如何使用 R 及时创建快照

df <- tibble(`Action Item ID` = c("ABC", "EFG", "HIJ", "KLM", "NOP", "QRS"),
`Date Created` = as.Date(c("2019-01-01", "2019-01-01", 
"2019-06-01", "2019-06-01",
"2019-08-01", "2019-08-01")),
`Date Closed` = as.Date(c("2019-01-15", "2019-05-31", 
"2019-06-15", "2019-07-05",
"2019-08-15", NA)),
`Current Status` = c(rep("Closed", 5), "Open"))
#> # A tibble: 6 x 4
#>   `Action Item ID` `Date Created` `Date Closed` `Current Status`
#>   <chr>            <date>         <date>        <chr>           
#> 1 ABC              2019-01-01     2019-01-15    Closed          
#> 2 EFG              2019-01-01     2019-05-20    Closed          
#> 3 HIJ              2019-06-01     2019-06-15    Closed          
#> 4 KLM              2019-06-01     2019-07-05    Closed          
#> 5 NOP              2019-08-01     2019-08-15    Closed          
#> 6 QRS              2019-08-01     NA            Open  



  • ABC项为"已关闭",这与截至今天的当前状态相匹配。
  • EFG项操作项是"打开",但截至今天,它现在已以正确的Current Status == "Closed"关闭。但我想知道它是在 1 月 31 日开放的,并且能够计算所有这些事件。
  • 我还希望看到在接下来的几个月中,该行动项目保持打开状态,需要持续计数,直到关闭


  1. 从我的数据框中剥离所有月份,以如下所示的方式进行计数。
  2. 用适当的值(甚至在需要时0(填充缺失的月份,即使它们不在我的数据框中,即tidyr::complete(。
  3. 每月持续计算未结操作项,直到它们关闭


df.months <- "Magic Code"
#> # A tibble: 6 x 4
#> `Month`       `Action Item Qty Open at End of Month` 
#> <date>         <integer>    
#> 2019-01-01     1
#> 2019-02-01     1
#> 2019-03-01     1
#> 2019-04-01     1
#> 2019-05-01     0
#> 2019-06-01     1
#> 2019-07-01     0
#> 2019-08-01     1

这里有一种方法。首先将形状调整为较长的形式,然后将"创建"计为添加 1,将"封闭"计为递减。然后计算这些增量的每月总计,并填写缺失的月份。

df %>%
# convert to longer form, with one row for each Created or Closed
pivot_longer(-c(`Action Item ID`, `Current Status`), "type", "date") %>%
mutate(change = if_else(type == "Date Created", 1, -1)) %>%
mutate(month = lubridate::floor_date(value, "month")) %>%
arrange(value) %>%
# get the sum of "change" for each month. Equivalent to:
#    group_by(month) %>% summarize(n = sum(change) %>%
count(month, wt = change) %>%
# Add rows for any missing months in the series and replace NAs with 0's
padr::pad() %>%
replace_na(list(n=0)) %>%
# Track cumulative change across all months to date
mutate("Open at end of month" = cumsum(n))

## A tibble: 9 x 3
#  month          n `Open at end of month`
#  <date>     <dbl>                  <dbl>
#1 2019-01-01     1                      1
#2 2019-02-01     0                      1
#3 2019-03-01     0                      1
#4 2019-04-01     0                      1
#5 2019-05-01    -1                      0
#6 2019-06-01     1                      1
#7 2019-07-01    -1                      0
#8 2019-08-01     1                      1
#9 NA            -1                      0
