TASM 显示鼠标光标

我在DOSBox,Windows中使用TASM。我正在了解中断int 33h。在普通文本模式下,我能够正确获取鼠标位置。


; 800x600 - 256 colors
mov ax, 04F02h
mov bx, 0103h
int 10h

鼠标位置固定在中心,即 (320,100),因为鼠标分辨率为 640x200。当我进入图形模式时,即使鼠标在移动,cxdx寄存器中的鼠标光标位置也不会改变。

如何在 VESA 模式下获取鼠标光标?

这是与"可爱鼠标驱动程序"分开的部分,但仅适用于没有串行端口且没有绘制鼠标指针的 PS2 或 USB(传统启用)鼠标:

jc  short ERROR
call PS2ON
jc  short ERROR
mov     bx, [X]
mov     cx, [Y]
mov     dx, [S]

ERROR:    call PS2OFF

;       Sub-Routine
CHECKPS2: int 11h                 ; get equipment list
test    al, 3
jz  short NOPS2         ; jump if PS/2-Mouse not indicated
mov     bh, 3
mov     ax, 0C205h
int 15h                 ; initialize mouse, bh=datasize
jc  short NOPS2
mov     bh, 3
mov     ax, 0C203h
int 15h                 ; set mouse resolution bh
jc  short NOPS2
mov     ax, cs
mov     es, ax
mov     bx, OFFSET PS2TEST
mov     ax, 0C207h
int 15h                 ; mouse, es:bx=ptr to handler
jc  short NOPS2
xor     bx, bx
mov     es, bx          ; mouse, es:bx=ptr to handler
mov     ax, 0C207h
int 15h
NOPS2:    stc
PS2ON:    call PS2OFF
mov    ax, cs
mov    es, ax
mov    bx, OFFSET PS2IRQ
mov    ax, 0C207h       ; es:bx=ptr to handler
int 15h
jc  short NOPS2
mov     bh, 1           ; set mouse on
mov     ax, 0C200h
int 15h
PS2OFF:   xor     bx, bx          ; set mouse off
mov     ax, 0C200h
int 15h
xor     bx, bx
mov     es, bx
mov     ax, 0C207h      ; es:bx=ptr to handler
int 15h
; PS2-Mousehandler
PS2IRQ:   cld
push    ds
mov     ax, @DATA
mov     ds, ax
mov     bp, sp
mov     ax, [bp+22+6]   ; buttons
mov     bx, [bp+22+4]   ; X movement
mov     cx, [bp+22+2]   ; Y movement
mov     [S], ax
mov     [X], bx
mov     [Y], cx
pop     ds
PS2TEST:  retf
S      DW 0 ;Bitfields for pointing device status:
;Bit(s)  Description     (Table 00525)
; 15-8   reserved (0)
; 7      Y data overflowed
; 6      X data overflowed
; 5      Y data is negative
; 4      X data is negative
; 3      reserved (1)
; 2      middle button pressed
; 1      right button pressed
; 0      left button pressed
X      DW 0
Y      DW 0


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