在锁定正文滚动的同时滚动浏览 div.溢出:隐藏


代码在此处作为网站上传 http://jcwebandgraphic.com/archive2/


我使用 mouseentermouseleave 来触发 CSS 更改 - 溢出隐藏和溢出可见,以防止在时间线div 中滚动时在正文上滚动。




        // When the Window Object is loaded and a Scroll Event is initiated, The following functions will Be Fired
        $(window).on('scrollstart', function() {
            // Timeline Functions for Touchless Devices
                // Block 1 - Scroll Locking
                    // Locks Body Scrolling While in Timeline
                    $('#timeline').on('mouseenter', function() {
                        $('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');
                    }); // Closes $(#timeline) mouseenter Function
                    // Rerstores Body Scrolling While Out of Timeline
                    $('#timeline').on('mouseleave', function() {
                        $('body').css('overflow', 'visible');
                    }); // Closes $(#timeline) mouseleave Function
                    // Closes Functions Block 1
                // Closes Block 1 - Scroll Locking
                // Block 2 - Transitions
                    // Reassigns jQuery Defined HTML Objects as HTML Elements (For Removal and Re-Insertion to the DOM)
                    var last = $('.scroll li:last-child')[0]; // Convert to HTML Element jQuery Element
                    var parent = last.parentElement;
                    // Animate to 0 Opacity
                    $('.scroll li:last-child').animate({opacity: '.1'});
                        // Animation and Re-Ordering Block
                        // 1 Removes Last Child From the DOM
                        // 2 Forces Opacity Back to 1
                        // 3 Re-Inserts it into the DOM at the First Child Position
                        // 1 Removal
                        // 2 Opacity
                        last.style.opacity = 1;
                        // 3 Re-insertion
                        parent.insertBefore(last, parent.firstElementChild)
                    // Closes Animation and Re-Ordering Block
                // Closes Block 2 - Transitions
        }); //Closes $(window) Load Functions
        // Required Fixes
            // 1 Size / Positioning Glitch on mouseenter, mouseleave (CSS, jQuery)
            // 2 Restore Scroll Transitions on mouseenter (jQuery)
            // 3 Touch Device Usability for Simulated or Alternate mouseenter and mouseleave Functions
            // 4 Create Function Looping if Scroll Event lasts more than ~250ms
            // 5 Make #timeline Height Responsive
        // Completed Fixes
            // 9 Scroll Only Works on First Refresh, or Directly from File  
            // 8 Functions Break When Removing Unnecessary HTML Content
            // 7 Body Continues to Scroll While Scrolling Through Timeline
            // 6 Collapsing Parent Element on #timeline
            // 5 Last Child Failing to Re-Order
            // 4 Limited Scroll Area Forces Premature Animation Transition Completion
            // 3 Limited Scroll Area Prevents Opacity Completion
            // 2 Uncaught Exception Errors (4)
            // 1 Uncaught Token Errors (2)
    <!-- Timeline  -->
    <section id='timeline'>
        <h2 class='subtitle'>Timeline</h2>
        <div class='scroll'>
            <li><img src='images/pa3.jpg'></li>
            <li><img src='images/pa2.jpg'></li>
            <li><img src='images/pa1.jpg'></li>
    <!-- Closes Timeline -->

尝试使用正文滚动锁定 (https://www.npmjs.com/package/body-scroll-lock)。

在正文上设置overflow: hidden在 iOS 上不起作用。你需要一些JS逻辑来让它在那里工作。要锁定所有设备的正文滚动,同时使目标元素仍然能够滚动,您可以使用 body-scroll-lock 执行以下操作:

// 1. Import the functions
const bodyScrollLock = require('body-scroll-lock');
const disableBodyScroll = bodyScrollLock.disableBodyScroll;
const enableBodyScroll = bodyScrollLock.enableBodyScroll;
// 2. Get a target element (such as a modal/lightbox/flyout/nav). 
const targetElement = document.querySelector("#someElementId");

// 3. ...in some event handler after showing the target element...disable body scroll

// 4. ...in some event handler after hiding the target element...

有关基本原理的更多详细信息,请查看 https://medium.com/jsdownunder/locking-body-scroll-for-all-devices-22def9615177。


您的代码存在一个主要问题。您将在每个$(window) scrollstart事件上绑定它的新实例。第一个窗口滚动启动后,#timeline mousenter 代码将在#timeline鼠标事件上运行一次。在第二个窗口scrollstart每次您进入/退出#timeline时,它将运行两次,依此类推...

您必须将$(window).on('scrollstart', ...替换为$(window).on('load', ...。 所以你只绑定一次。

关于你的脚本正文,我建议采用更轻松的方法。大多数时候,CSS 比 JavaScript 更快,需要的资源更少。因此,更好的方法是:

  1. 在 CSS 中定义一个类:
body.no-scrollbar {overflow:hidden;}
  1. 应用/删除类以body #timeline:hover
$(window).on('load', function() {
    function() {
    function() {



$(window).on('load', () => $('#timeline').hover(
  () => $('body').addClass('no-scrollbar'),
  () => $('body').removeClass('no-scrollbar')
body.no-scrollbar {
  overflow: hidden;
/* rest is just styling for SO example. Disregard */
body {
  height: 200vh;
#timeline {
  border: 1px solid red;
  width: calc(100vw - 9rem);
  height: 3rem;
  margin: 3rem;
legend {padding: 0 .4rem;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<fieldset id="timeline">
