



a= .1
b= .01
c= .01
d= .00002
prey_population = 1000
predator_population = 20
periods = 10
a = float(input("Enter the rate at which prey birth exceeds natural death: "))
b = float(input("Enter the rate of predation: "))
c = float(input("Enter the rate at which predator deaths exceed births without food: "))
d = float(input("Predator increase with the presence of food: "))
prey_population = int(input("Enter prey population: "))
predator_population = int(input("Enter predator population: "))
periods = int(input("Enter the number of periods: "))
for i in range(1, periods + 1):
    prey_population = int(prey_population * (1 + a - b * predator_population))
    predator_population = int(predator_population * (1 - c + d * prey_population))
    print("After period", i, "there are", predator_population, "predators")
    print("After period", i, "there are", prey_population, "prey")



After period 1 there are 20 predators
After period 1 there are 900 prey
After period 2 there are 20 predators
After period 2 there are 810 prey
After period 3 there are 20 predators
After period 3 there are 729 prey
After period 4 there are 20 predators
After period 4 there are 656 prey
After period 5 there are 20 predators
After period 5 there are 590 prey
After period 6 there are 20 predators
After period 6 there are 531 prey
After period 7 there are 19 predators
After period 7 there are 477 prey
After period 8 there are 18 predators
After period 8 there are 434 prey
After period 9 there are 17 predators
After period 9 there are 399 prey
After period 10 there are 16 predators
After period 10 there are 371 prey


After period 1 there are 20 predators
After period 1 there are 900 prey
After period 2 there are 20 predators
After period 2 there are 808 prey
After period 3 there are 20 predators
After period 3 there are 724 prey
After period 4 there are 21 predators
After period 4 there are 648 prey
After period 5 there are 21 predators
After period 5 there are 580 prey
After period 6 there are 21 predators
After period 6 there are 518 prey
After period 7 there are 21 predators
After period 7 there are 463 prey
After period 8 there are 21 predators
After period 8 there are 413 prey
After period 9 there are 21 predators
After period 9 there are 369 prey
After period 10 there are 21 predators
After period 10 there are 330 prey






  • 旧的猎物数量
    • 加上这个回合的新生儿(出生率*当前猎物)(1)
    • 减去该回合被杀死的猎物[(捕食率*当前捕食者)*当前猎物](1)
    • 把这一切都倒过来


  • 古老的食肉动物数量
    • 减去固定死亡率(死亡率*当前捕食者)(1)
    • 加上"食物出生"[("食物出生率"*猎物的新数量)*当前捕食者](1)
    • 把这一切都倒过来


