尝试使用 PHP 集成 API 时收到异常

目前,我正在努力将聊天API(称为推送聊天套件(集成到我正在开发的应用程序。对于后端,正在使用PHP和laravel,并且使用postman来测试服务器。在邮递员上测试时,我收到一个 500 内部服务器错误,并出现以下异常:

    "message": "You must provide an instance_locator",
    "exception": "Chatkit\Exceptions\MissingArgumentException",
    "file": "/Users/shaquilenoor/Desktop/chatapi/vendor/pusher/pusher-chatkit-server/src/Chatkit.php",
    "line": 49,
    "trace": [

在跟踪中,引用了许多文件/行,所以我省略了,因为它太多了,不适合这篇文章(如果需要,你可以问一下,我可以用它制作一个 Gdrive 链接(

导致所引用的行 + 函数的代码是这样的:

namespace Chatkit;
use ChatkitExceptionsChatkitException;
use ChatkitExceptionsConfigurationException;
use ChatkitExceptionsConnectionException;
use ChatkitExceptionsMissingArgumentException;
use ChatkitExceptionsTypeMismatchException;
use FirebaseJWTJWT;
class Chatkit
    protected $settings = array(
        'scheme'       => 'https',
        'port'         => 80,
        'timeout'      => 30,
        'debug'        => false,
        'curl_options' => array(),
    protected $logger = null;
    protected $ch = null; // Curl handler
    protected $api_settings = array();
    protected $authorizer_settings = array();
    protected $cursor_settings = array();
    const GLOBAL_SCOPE = 'global';
    const ROOM_SCOPE = 'room';
     * Initializes a new Chatkit instance.
     * @param array $options   Options to configure the Chatkit instance.
     *                         instance_locator - your Chatkit instance locator
     *                         key - your Chatkit instance's key
     *                         scheme - e.g. http or https
     *                         host - the host; no trailing forward slash.
     *                         port - the http port
     *                         timeout - the http timeout
    public function __construct($options)
        if (!isset($options['instance_locator'])) {
            throw new MissingArgumentException('You must provide an instance_locator');
        if (!isset($options['key'])) {
            throw new MissingArgumentException('You must provide a key');
        $this->settings['instance_locator'] = $options['instance_locator'];
        $this->settings['key'] = $options['key'];
        $this->api_settings['service_name'] = 'chatkit';
        $this->api_settings['service_version'] = 'v2';
        $this->authorizer_settings['service_name'] = 'chatkit_authorizer';
        $this->authorizer_settings['service_version'] = 'v2';
        $this->cursor_settings['service_name'] = 'chatkit_cursors';
        $this->cursor_settings['service_version'] = 'v2';
        foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
            // only set if valid setting/option
            if (isset($this->settings[$key])) {
                $this->settings[$key] = $value;

instance_locator是指在 Pusher Chatkit 上生成的代码,我将其链接到我的文件中以集成该 API。这是我第一次使用 PHP 集成后端服务器,所以有点迷茫!希望得到一些关于我应该在哪里解决问题的建议,也非常乐意提供更多信息。干杯

根据您创建 API 请求的方式,您应该执行以下操作:

$chatkit = new Chatkit(['instance_locator' => *locator*, 'key' => *actualKey*]);

