Vim 脚本突出显示光标行上的正则表达式匹配项


syn match abcline "abc\%#"hi def link abcline Todo


%# Matches with the cursor position.
        WARNING: When the cursor is moved after the pattern was used, the
        result becomes invalid.  Vim doesn't automatically update the matches.
        This is especially relevant for syntax highlighting and 'hlsearch'.
        In other words: When the cursor moves the display isn't updated for
        this change.  An update is done for lines which are changed (the whole
        line is updated) or when using the |CTRL-L| command (the whole screen
        is updated).

因此,您需要一个:autocmd CursorMoved,CursorMovedI来触发重绘。或者,您可以将当前行号嵌入到正则表达式 ( %23l 中,并在光标移动时更新语法定义(再次通过 :autocmd )。我不喜欢如此频繁的重绘;也许您的用例还允许按需触发突出显示(通过映射),或者仅在使用暂停(CursorHold[I]事件)时更新。

