XML 文件:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Test name="B1">
<Test id="100"><Name>a test</Name></Test>
<Test id="101"><Name>another test</Name></Test>
<Test name="B2">
<Test id="500"><Name>a simple test</Name></Test>
<Test id="501"><Name>another simple test</Name></Test>
<Test name="B6">
<!-- link to B2 to avoid redundancy -->
我想将<Test name"B2">
的内容链接到<Test name="B6">
以避免重新输入相同的数据!(不同的名称是必要的)引用此 XML 节点需要哪条语句?(Pugixml 应该能够正确解析它)
XML 不支持此类引用。您可以使用自定义"语法"和自定义C++代码来解决此问题,例如:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Test name="B1">
<Test id="100"><Name>a test</Name></Test>
<Test id="101"><Name>another test</Name></Test>
<Test name="B2">
<Test id="500"><Name>a simple test</Name></Test>
<Test id="501"><Name>another simple test</Name></Test>
<Test name="B6">
<?link /Common/Test[@name='B2']?>
bool resolve_links_rec(pugi::xml_node node)
if (node.type() == pugi::node_pi && strcmp(node.name(), "link") == 0)
pugi::xml_node parent = node.parent();
pugi::xpath_node_set ns = parent.select_nodes(node.value());
for (size_t i = 0; i < ns.size(); ++i)
parent.insert_copy_before(ns[i].node(), node);
return true;
catch (pugi::xpath_exception& e)
std::cerr << "Error processing link " << node.path() << ": " << e.what() << std::endl;
for (pugi::xml_node child = node.first_child(); child; )
pugi::xml_node next = child.next_sibling();
if (resolve_links_rec(child))
child = next;
return false;