黄瓜方案大纲:将空格字符串" "作为示例表中的值传递

>我有一个黄瓜场景大纲,其中示例表我想传递 6 个空格字符串 (" "( 作为值。在示例表中,仅将值留空,传递一个空字符串。我尝试使用双引号和单引号,结果是一样的。它传递 8 个字符串(包括 2 个引号(,而不是 6 个。


Scenario Outline: Change password - Negative Invalid Confirm Password
Given I log in as a user on the change password page
When I insert the current password
And I insert password
And I insert invalid confirm password <value>
And I move focus to another element on the change password page
Then <message> appears under the confirm password field
|value           |message                           |
|Aa1!            |Passwords Invalid or Do Not Match |
|"      "        |Passwords Invalid or Do Not Match |


When(/^I insert invalid confirmPassword (.*)$/, async (confirmNewPass:string) => {
await changePasswordPage.changePasswordComponent.insertConfirmNewPassword(confirmNewPass);


Feature: Title of your feature
I want to use this template for my feature file

Scenario Outline: Title of your scenario outline
Given I want to write a step 
When I check for the <value> in step
Then I verify the <message> in step
|value              |message                           |
| "Aa1!"            | "Passwords Invalid or Do Not Match" |
| "      "          | "Passwords Invalid or Do Not Match" |



@Given("I want to write a step")
public void i_want_to_write_a_step() {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
System.out.println("In a given method!");
@When("I check for the {string} in step")
public void i_check_for_the_Aa1_in_step(String value) {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
System.out.println("Value: " + value);

@Then("I verify the {string} in step")
public void i_verify_the_Passwords_Invalid_or_Do_Not_Match_in_step(String message) {
System.out.println("Message: " + message);


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