// Action script…
// [onClipEvent of sprite 2 in]
//onClipEvent (load)
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.loading);
function loading(e:Event)
this.numItems = 2;
// [onClipEvent of sprite 2 in]
//onClipEvent (load)
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
function loading(event:Event){
this.numItems = 3;
// [onClipEvent of sprite 2 in]
//onClipEvent (load)
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
function loading(event:Event){
this.numItems = 3;
// [onClipEvent of sprite 8 in]
//onClipEvent (load)
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
function loading(event:Event){
this.defx = _x;
this.defy = _y;
if (this.theText.text.length > 20)
this.theText._height = 31;
this.theBox._height = 27;
this.theText._height = 19;
this.theBox._height = 19;
} // end else if
// [onClipEvent of sprite 8 in frame 1]
//on (press)
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pressed);
function pressed(event:Event){
if (this.noDrag != true)
startDrag (this, false);
} // end if
// [onClipEvent of sprite 8 in frame 1]
//on (release)
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, relea);
function relea(event:Event){
if (this.noDrag != true)
stopDrag ();
if(this.hitTest(_root["dz" + this.answer]))
totalHeight = 0;
for (v = 0; v < _root.dbCount; v++)
if (_root["dbutton" + v].answer == this.answer)
totalHeight = totalHeight + _root["button" + v].theBox._height ;
} // end if
} // end of for
this .duplicateMovieClip("dbutton" + _root.dbCount, _root.dbCount * 100);
_root["dbutton" + _root.dbCount]._x = this.defX;
_root["dbutton" + _root.dbCount]._y = this.defY;
_root["dbutton" + _root.dbCount].answer = _root.answerdest[_root.dbCount + 1];
_root["dbutton" + _root.dbCount].theText.text = _root.answername[_root.dbCount +1];
if (_root["dbutton" + _root.dbCount].theText.text == "undefined")
_root["dbutton" + _root.dbCount].theText.text = "Finished!";
_root["dbutton" + _root.dbCount].noDrag = true;
} // end if
this.noDrag = true;
this._y = _root["dz" + this.answer]._y + totalHeight;
this._x = _root["dz" + this.answer]._x - _root["dz" + this.answer]._width / 2;
++_root["dz" + this.answer].numItems;
_root.glamp1.gotoAndPlay (1);
this.x = this.defX;
this._y = this.defY;
} // end if
} // end else if
// [onClipEvent of sprite 2 in frame 1]
//onClipEvent (load)
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
function loading(event:Event){
this.numItems = 2;
// [onClipEvent of sprite 2 in frame 1]
//onClipEvent (load)
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
function loading(event:Event){
this.numItems = 3;
// [Action in Frame 1]
answername = Array();
answerdest = Array();
answername[0] = "gravel";
answerdest[0] = "1";
answername[1] = "water";
answerdest[1] = "2";
dbCount = 0;
dbutton.duplicateMovieClip("dbutton" + dbCount,dbCount * 100);
dbutton.visible = false;
dbutton0.answer = answerdest[dbCount];
dbutton0.theText.text = answername[dbCount];
//on (release)
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, relea);
function relea(event:Event){
//on (release)
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, relea);
function relea(event:MouseEvent){ // **** MouseEvent, not Event