


<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
x <input type="text" name="px[]" value="" /> y <input type="text" name="py[]" value="" /><br>
x <input type="text" name="px[]" value="" /> y <input type="text" name="py[]" value="" /><br>
x <input type="text" name="px[]" value="" /> y <input type="text" name="py[]" value="" /><br>
x <input type="text" name="px[]" value="" /> y <input type="text" name="py[]" value="" /><br>
<input type="button" value="next" onclick="next3();">
<textarea id="koord" value="" style="width:220px;"></textarea>
function next3(){
    var vx = String($("input[name='px[]']").map(function(){return $(this).val();}).get());  
    var vy = String($("input[name='py[]']").map(function(){return $(this).val();}).get());
    var vxArr = vx.split(",");
    var vyArr = vy.split(",");
    var lenArr = vxArr.length;
    var isi = "";
    for (i = 0; i < lenArr; i++) {
        var koord = "X" + vxArr[i] + " " + "Y" + vyArr[i];
        //alert (koord);
        var isi = isi + ', ' + koord;
    //alert (isi);
    var lastChar = isi.substr(2); // => "1"


图像链接 https://postimg.cc/fJWHhxp9


| X Point | Y Point |
|     123 |     456 |
|     123 |     456 |
|     123 |     456 |
|     123 |     456 |


function next3() {
  var vx = ($("input[name='px[]']").map(function() {
    return $(this).val();
  var vy = ($("input[name='py[]']").map(function() {
    return $(this).val();
  $('table tbody').html('');
  vx.forEach((a, index) => {
    if (a !== '' && vy[index] !== '') {
      $('table tbody').append('<tr><td>' + a + '</td><td>' + vy[index] + '</td></tr>')
table {
  border: 1px solid black
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
x <input type="text" name="px[]" value="" /> y <input type="text" name="py[]" value="" /><br> x <input type="text" name="px[]" value="" /> y <input type="text" name="py[]" value="" /><br> x <input type="text" name="px[]" value="" /> y <input type="text"
  name="py[]" value="" /><br> x <input type="text" name="px[]" value="" /> y <input type="text" name="py[]" value="" /><br>
<input type="button" value="next" onclick="next3();">
<textarea id="koord" value="" style="width:220px;"></textarea>


const text = 'x123 y123, x234 y234, x345 y345';
// split text on commas ','
const splitTextArray = text.split(',');
// now map to objects you can reference
const textMapArray = splitTextArray.map(text => {
  // now trim teading/trailing whitespace and split text on space
  const splitText = text.trim().split(' ');
  // save each string from the second char on (i.e. removes the x/y)
  return {x: splitText[0].substring(1), y: splitText[1].substring(1) };


  function next3() {
            var vx = String($("input[name='px[]']").map(function () { return $(this).val(); }).get());
            var vy = String($("input[name='py[]']").map(function () { return $(this).val(); }).get());
            var vxArr = vx.split(",");
            var vyArr = vy.split(",");
            var lenArr = vxArr.length;
            var isi = " "+"X Point" +" " + "Y Point"+'n';
            //var isi = "";
            for (i = 0; i < lenArr; i++) {
                var koord = "" + vxArr[i] + " " + "" + vyArr[i];
                //alert (koord);
                var isi = isi + 'n' + koord;
            //alert (isi);
            var lastChar = isi.substr(1); // => "1"
