
我想通过以前的交易中已经创建的令牌来测试付款,但实际上找不到使用SOAP Toolkit API找到一种方法。


Requesting an On-Demand Transaction 
An on-demand transaction is a real-time transaction using the details stored in a customer profile. On-demand transactions that you can request are: 
 Credit cards—authorization, sale (an authorization and capture), and credit. 
 Electronic checks—debit and credit. 
 PINless debits—debit. 
To request an on-demand sale transaction: 
Step 1 Set the ccAuthService_run service field to true. 
Step 2 Set the ccCaptureService_run service field to true. 
Step 3 Include the following fields in the request: 
 merchantID 
 merchantReferenceCode 
 purchaseTotals_currency 
 purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount 
 recurringSubscriptionInfo_subscriptionID


    $referenceCode = 'my_merchant_id';
    $client = new CybsSoapClient();
    $request = $client->createRequest($referenceCode);
    // Build a sale request (combining an auth and capture). 
    $ccAuthService = new stdClass();
    $ccAuthService->run = 'true';
    $request->ccAuthService = $ccAuthService;
    $ccCaptureService = new stdClass();
    $ccCaptureService->run = 'true';
    $request->ccCaptureService = $ccCaptureService;
    $request->merchantID = 'my_merchant_id';
    $request->merchantReferenceCode = uniqid();
    $request->purchaseTotals_currency = 'USD';
    $request->purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount = '25';
    $request->recurringSubscriptionInfo_subscriptionID = 'xxxxxxxx';
    $reply = $client->runTransaction($request);


我相信您需要启用名称值对,以便使用 _进行嵌套的字段(例如: recurringSubscriptionInfo_subscriptionID(,当我更改您的代码以使用XML有效载荷时,它可以使用:

// ...
$ccAuthService = new stdClass();
$ccAuthService->run = 'true';
$request->ccAuthService = $ccAuthService;
$ccCaptureService = new stdClass();
$ccCaptureService->run = 'true';
$request->ccCaptureService = $ccCaptureService;
$request->merchantID = '<my merchant id>';
$request->merchantReferenceCode = uniqid();
$recurringSubscriptionInfo = new stdClass();
$recurringSubscriptionInfo->subscriptionID = '<my subscription token>';
$request->recurringSubscriptionInfo = $recurringSubscriptionInfo;
$purchaseTotals = new stdClass();
$purchaseTotals->currency = 'USD';
$purchaseTotals->grandTotalAmount = '100';
$request->purchaseTotals = $purchaseTotals;
// ...
