C语言 OpenCL 内核导致应用程序无限期运行,并且仅在我关闭 IDE 后停止

我正在尝试使用 OpenCL 在 GPU 上运行部分代码。我现在正在尝试运行处理 YCbCr 到 RGB 转换的函数。

请注意,到目前为止,我没有尝试优化 GPU 代码。我只是想要一个与 CPU 上相同的输出。


void YCbCr_to_ARGB(uint8_t *YCbCr_MCU[3], uint32_t *RGB_MCU, uint32_t nb_MCU_H, uint32_t nb_MCU_V)
uint8_t *MCU_Y, *MCU_Cb, *MCU_Cr;
int R, G, B;
uint32_t ARGB;
uint8_t index, i, j;
MCU_Y = YCbCr_MCU[0];
MCU_Cb = YCbCr_MCU[1];
MCU_Cr = YCbCr_MCU[2];
for (i = 0; i < 8 * nb_MCU_V; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 8 * nb_MCU_H; j++) {
index = i * (8 * nb_MCU_H)  + j;
R = (MCU_Cr[index] - 128) * 1.402f + MCU_Y[index];
B = (MCU_Cb[index] - 128) * 1.7772f + MCU_Y[index];
G = MCU_Y[index] - (MCU_Cb[index] - 128) * 0.34414f -
(MCU_Cr[index] - 128) * 0.71414f;
/* Saturate */
if (R > 255)
R = 255;
if (R < 0)
R = 0;
if (G > 255)
G = 255;
if (G < 0)
G = 0;
if (B > 255)
B = 255;
if (B < 0)
B = 0;
ARGB = ((R & 0xFF) << 16) | ((G & 0xFF) << 8) | (B & 0xFF);
// ARGB = 0xFF << 8;
RGB_MCU[(i * (8 * nb_MCU_H) + j)] = ARGB;


cl_uchar* YCbCr_MCU[3] = { NULL, NULL, NULL};
cl_uint* RGB_MCU = NULL;


if (screen_init_needed == 1) 
screen_init_needed = 0;
//Some code
for (index = 0 ; index < SOF_section.n ; index++) {
YCbCr_MCU[index] = malloc(MCU_sx * MCU_sy * max_ss_h * max_ss_v);
YCbCr_MCU_ds[index] = malloc(MCU_sx * MCU_sy * max_ss_h * max_ss_v);
RGB_MCU = malloc (MCU_sx * MCU_sy * max_ss_h * max_ss_v * sizeof(cl_int));

我直接将其复制并粘贴到我的.cl文件中,并做了一些小的更改以使其符合OpenCL标准。我修改后的 OpenCL 代码如下所示:

__kernel void YCbCr_to_ARGB(__global uchar* YCbCr_MCU[3], __global uint* RGB_MCU, uint nb_MCU_H, uint nb_MCU_V)
__global uchar *MCU_Y, *MCU_Cb, *MCU_Cr;
int R, G, B;
uint ARGB;
uchar index, i, j;
MCU_Y = YCbCr_MCU[0];
MCU_Cb = YCbCr_MCU[1];
MCU_Cr = YCbCr_MCU[2];
//Same code as the first code snippet

当我在.cl文件中使用上述内核代码构建并运行应用程序时,出现错误。其中一个错误指出 OpenCL 不允许指针到指针参数。


__kernel void YCbCr_to_ARGB(__global uchar YCbCr_MCU[3], __global uint* RGB_MCU, uint nb_MCU_H, uint nb_MCU_V)
__global uchar *MCU_Y, *MCU_Cb, *MCU_Cr;
int R, G, B;
uint ARGB;
uchar index, i, j;
MCU_Y = &YCbCr_MCU[0];
MCU_Cb = &YCbCr_MCU[1];
MCU_Cr = &YCbCr_MCU[2];
//Same code as the first code snippet



color_kernel= clCreateKernel(program, "YCbCr_to_ARGB", &ret);
//YCbCr_MCU for YCbCrtoARGB
cl_mem colorMCU_GPU= clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 3 * sizeof(cl_uchar), NULL, &ret);

//rgb_MCU for YCbCrtoARGB
cl_mem RGB_GPU= clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,  sizeof(cl_uint), NULL, &ret);


ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(command_queue, colorMCU_GPU, CL_TRUE, 0, 3 * sizeof(cl_uchar), YCbCr_MCU, 0, NULL, NULL);
ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(command_queue, RGB_GPU, CL_TRUE, 0,  sizeof(cl_uint), RGB_MCU, 0, NULL, NULL);
ret = clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&colorMCU_GPU);
ret |= clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&RGB_GPU);
ret = clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_uint), (void *)&max_ss_h);
ret |= clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_uint), (void *)&max_ss_v);
ret = clEnqueueTask(command_queue, color_kernel, 0, NULL, NULL);
ret = clEnqueueReadBuffer(command_queue, RGB_GPU, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_uint), RGB_MCU, 0, NULL, NULL);
//YCbCr_to_ARGB(YCbCr_MCU, RGB_MCU, max_ss_h, max_ss_v);

在我使用这些参数运行并生成代码后,代码将无限期地运行(此输出应该是在屏幕上运行的影片剪辑。使用此代码,我只会得到黑屏(。在此之后,我必须关闭 Eclipse 并重新打开它才能对代码进行其他更改。



我遵循了Anders Cedronius的建议,并通过以下方式更改了我的内核代码:

__kernel void YCbCr_to_ARGB(__global uchar YCbCr_MCU[3], __global uint* RGB_MCU, uint nb_MCU_H, uint nb_MCU_V)
printf("Doing color conversionn");  
__global uchar *MCU_Y, *MCU_Cb, *MCU_Cr;
int R, G, B;
uint ARGB;
uchar index, i, j;
i= get_global_id(0);
j= get_global_id(1);
MCU_Y = &YCbCr_MCU[0];
MCU_Cb = &YCbCr_MCU[1];
MCU_Cr = &YCbCr_MCU[2];
if (i < 8 * nb_MCU_V && j < 8 * nb_MCU_H)
index = i * (8 * nb_MCU_H)  + j;
R = (MCU_Cr[index] - 128) * 1.402f + MCU_Y[index];
B = (MCU_Cb[index] - 128) * 1.7772f + MCU_Y[index];
G = MCU_Y[index] - (MCU_Cb[index] - 128) * 0.34414f -
(MCU_Cr[index] - 128) * 0.71414f;

/* Saturate */
if (R > 255)
R = 255;
if (R < 0)
R = 0;
if (G > 255)
G = 255;
if (G < 0)
G = 0;
if (B > 255)
B = 255;
if (B < 0)
B = 0;
ARGB = ((R & 0xFF) << 16) | ((G & 0xFF) << 8) | (B & 0xFF);
// ARGB = 0xFF << 8;
RGB_MCU[(i * (8 * nb_MCU_H) + j)] = ARGB;

printf("Finished color conversionn");


color_kernel= clCreateKernel(program, "YCbCr_to_ARGB", &ret);


ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(command_queue, colorMCU_GPU, CL_TRUE, 0, 3*sizeof(cl_uchar), YCbCr_MCU, 0, NULL, NULL);
chk(ret, "clEnqueueWriteBuffer");
ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(command_queue, RGB_GPU, CL_TRUE, 0,  sizeof(cl_uint), RGB_MCU, 0, NULL, NULL);
chk(ret, "clEnqueueWriteBuffer");

ret = clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&colorMCU_GPU);
ret |= clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&RGB_GPU);
ret = clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_uint), (void *)&max_ss_h);
ret |= clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_uint), (void *)&max_ss_v);

size_t itemColor[2] = {1, 1};
ret = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(command_queue, kernel, 2, NULL, itemColor, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
chk(ret, "clEnqueueNDRange");
ret = clEnqueueReadBuffer(command_queue, RGB_GPU, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_uint), RGB_MCU, 0, NULL, NULL);


我运行了这段代码,我不再看到黑屏。但是,"YCbCr to RGB"的内核现在无法识别。甚至我的 printf 评论也没有显示在输出控制台上。就像我的代码没有颜色转换功能一样。


我没有在命令EnqueueNDRangeKernel中更改内核的名称。我更改了名称,现在 printf 语句出现在控制台上。但是,我仍然没有得到正确的输出。

size_t itemColor[2] = {1, 1};
ret = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(command_queue, color_kernel, 2, NULL, itemColor, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
chk(ret, "clEnqueueNDRange");



__kernel void YCbCr_to_ARGB(__global uchar* Y_GPU, __global uchar* Cb_GPU, __global uchar* Cr_GPU, __global uint* RGB_MCU, uint nb_MCU_H, uint nb_MCU_V)
__global uchar *MCU_Y, *MCU_Cb, *MCU_Cr;
int R, G, B;
uint ARGB;
uchar index, i, j;
unsigned char   iid= get_global_id(0);
unsigned char   jid= get_global_id(1);
// MCU_Y = &YCbCr_MCU[0];
// MCU_Cb = &YCbCr_MCU[1];
// MCU_Cr = &YCbCr_MCU[2];
if (iid <= (8 * nb_MCU_V) && jid <= (8 * nb_MCU_H))
index = iid * (8 * nb_MCU_H)  + jid;
R = (MCU_Cr[index] - 128) * 1.402f + MCU_Y[index];
B = (MCU_Cb[index] - 128) * 1.7772f + MCU_Y[index];
G = MCU_Y[index] - (MCU_Cb[index] - 128) * 0.34414f -
(MCU_Cr[index] - 128) * 0.71414f;

/* Saturate */
if (R > 255)
R = 255;
if (R < 0)
R = 0;
if (G > 255)
G = 255;
if (G < 0)
G = 0;
if (B > 255)
B = 255;
if (B < 0)
B = 0;
ARGB = ((R & 0xFF) << 16) | ((G & 0xFF) << 8) | (B & 0xFF);
RGB_MCU[(iid * (8 * nb_MCU_H) + jid)] = ARGB;

在主机代码中,我为 4 个新变量创建并分配了内存:

Y_ForGPU= (cl_uchar *)malloc(MCU_sx * MCU_sy * max_ss_h * max_ss_v);
Cb_ForGPU= (cl_uchar *)malloc(MCU_sx * MCU_sy * max_ss_h * max_ss_v);
Cr_ForGPU= (cl_uchar *)malloc(MCU_sx * MCU_sy * max_ss_h * max_ss_v);
//Now will do it for RGB
RGB_testing= (cl_uint *)malloc (MCU_sx * MCU_sy * max_ss_h * max_ss_v * sizeof(cl_int));


cl_mem for_Y= clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE| CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, (MCU_sx * MCU_sy * max_ss_h * max_ss_v), Y_ForGPU, &ret);

cl_mem for_Cb= clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE| CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, (MCU_sx * MCU_sy * max_ss_h * max_ss_v), Cb_ForGPU , &ret);
cl_mem for_Cr= clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE| CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, (MCU_sx * MCU_sy * max_ss_h * max_ss_v), Cr_ForGPU, &ret);
//rgb_MCU for YCbCrtoARGB
cl_mem RGB_GPU= clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, (MCU_sx * MCU_sy * max_ss_h * max_ss_v * sizeof(cl_int)), NULL, &ret);


ret = clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &for_Y);
ret |= clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &for_Cb);
ret |= clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &for_Cr);
ret |= clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), &RGB_GPU);
ret |= clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 4, sizeof(cl_uint), &max_ss_h);
ret |= clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 5, sizeof(cl_uint), &max_ss_v);

const size_t itemColor[2] = {100, 100};
ret = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(command_queue, color_kernel, 2, NULL, itemColor, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
//Copy result to the host
ret = clEnqueueReadBuffer(command_queue, RGB_GPU, CL_TRUE, 0, (MCU_sx * MCU_sy * max_ss_h * max_ss_v * sizeof(cl_int)), RGB_testing, 0, NULL, NULL);



我的代码现在可以工作了。这些问题可能是由于指针的差异而发生的。我将 Y、Cb、Cr 和 RGB 变量(我创建的(设置为等于主机代码中的原始变量。

//---Setting color variables equal to array elements----//
Y_ForGPU= YCbCr_MCU[0];
Cb_ForGPU= YCbCr_MCU[1];
Cr_ForGPU= YCbCr_MCU[2];
//----RGB is being assigned value-----//
RGB_testing= RGB_MCU;



MCU_Cb = &YCbCr_MCU[1];

在内核中,YCbCr_MCU指向的任何内容的开头都比 1 个字节,从主机代码来看,这实际上是指针数组的开头,而不是像素数组。

ret = clSetKernelArg(color_kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&colorMCU_GPU);

看起来YCbCr_MCU应该是指向包含源像素的 Y、Cb、Cr 平面的 3 个指针数组。您需要将这些作为指向 3 个数组的 3 个直接指针传递给您的内核,而不是指向 3 个指针的指针。换句话说,将其转换为 Y、Cb 和 Cr 参数,并将它们设置为在主机上colorMCU_GPU[0]colorMCU_GPU[2]
