我正在尝试使用MaxMind的Perl Writer创建一个内部网络的自定义数据库,MaxMind到目前为止运作良好。然后,我尝试使用LogStash中的GeoIP滤波器插件将这些IP范围分配给这些IP范围。我可以验证创建的数据库使用使用MaxMind Reader的Perl脚本正确包含我的数据。
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say );
use local::lib 'local';
use MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree;
use Net::Works::Network;
my $filename = 'test.mmdb';
# Your top level data structure will always be a map (hash). The MMDB format
# is strongly typed. Describe your data types here.
# See https://metacpan.org/pod/MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree#DATA-TYPES
my %types = (
geoname_id => 'uint32',
locale_code => 'utf8_string',
continent_code => 'utf8_string',
continent_name => 'utf8_string',
country_iso_code => 'utf8_string',
country_name => 'utf8_string',
subdivision_1_iso_code => 'utf8_string',
subdivision_1_name => 'utf8_string',
city_name => 'utf8_string',
metro_code => 'uint32',
time_zone => 'utf8_string',
postal_code => 'utf8_string',
latitude => 'double',
longitude => 'double',
my $tree = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree->new(
database_type => 'GeoIP2-City',
description => { en => 'IP-Ranges', de => q{IP-Bereiche}, },
ip_version => 4,
map_key_type_callback => sub { $types{ $_[0] } },
record_size => 24,
remove_reserved_networks => 0,
my %address_for_employee = (
'xx.xx.xx.xx/24' => {
geoname_id => 3164699,
locale_code => 'de',
continent_code => 'EU',
continent_name => 'Europa',
country_iso_code => 'IT',
country_name => 'Italien',
subdivision_1_iso_code => '09',
city_name => 'Varese',
time_zone => 'Europe/Rome',
postal_code => '21100',
latitude => 45.7908,
longitude => 8.8515,
'xx.xx.xx.xx/24' => {
geoname_id => 3164699,
locale_code => 'de',
continent_code => 'EU',
continent_name => 'Europa',
country_iso_code => 'IT',
country_name => 'Italien',
subdivision_1_iso_code => '09',
city_name => 'Varese',
time_zone => 'Europe/Rome',
postal_code => '21100',
latitude => 45.7908,
longitude => 8.8515,
for my $address ( keys %address_for_employee ) {
# Create one network and insert it into our database
my $network = Net::Works::Network->new_from_string( string => $address );
$tree->insert_network( $network, $address_for_employee{$address} );
say "Created Subnet from ___ $network ===> $address ___";
# Write the database to disk.
open my $fh, '>:raw', $filename;
$tree->write_tree( $fh );
close $fh;
say "$filename has now been created";
filter {
geoip {
source => "src_ip"
target => "src_ip_geo"
database => "test.mmdb"
add_field => [ "[src_ip_geo][coordinates]", "%{[src_ip_geo][longitude]}" ]
add_field => [ "[src_ip_geo][coordinates]", "%{[src_ip_geo][latitude]}" ]
mutate {
convert => [ "[geoip][coordinates]", "float"]
将其与旧的MaxMind数据库GeoliteCity进行比较。DAT我尝试根据我在数据库中定义的IP地址将一些字段添加到输出中。但是,日志被正确推向elasticsearch,但没有其他字段,但添加了标签,上面添加了: _geoip_lookup_failure
输出output { stdout{ codec => "json" } }
my %types = (
city => 'map',
geoname_id => 'uint32',
names => 'map',
en => 'utf8_string',
iso_code => 'utf8_string',
country => 'map',
registered_country => 'map',
location => 'map',
latitude => 'double',
accuracy_radius => 'uint32',
time_zone => 'utf8_string',
longitude => 'double',
continent => 'map',
my $tree = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree->new(
ip_version => 4,
record_size => 28,
database_type => 'GeoIP2-City',
languages => ['en'],
description => { en => 'GeoLite2 City database' },
map_key_type_callback => sub { $types{ $_[0] } },
'' => {
city => {
geoname_id => 1808926,
names => {
'en' => 'test1',
country => {
geoname_id => 1814991,
iso_code => 'CN',
names => {
'en' => 'test2',
registered_country => {
geoname_id => 1814991,
iso_code => 'CN',
names => {
'en' => 'test3',
# subdivisions => (
# {
# geoname_id => 1784764,
# iso_code => 'ZJ',
# names => {
# en => 'Zhejiang',
# },
# },
# ),
location => {
latitude => 30.2936,
accuracy_radius => 50,
time_zone => 'Asia/Shanghai',
longitude => 120.1614,
continent => {
geoname_id => 6255147,
iso_code => 'AS',
names => {
en => 'Asia',
geoip {
source => "remote_addr"
database => "/temp/csv2mmdb/IPB.mmdb"
fields => ["city_name", "country_name"]
target => "geoip"
"remote_addr" => "",
"geoip" => {
"city_name" => "test1",
"country_name" => "test2"
"X-Forwarded-Proto" => "-",
您不需要使用MaxMind GeoIP格式。
如果您构建自己的MMDB。您只需创建一个Python脚本即可使用MaxMind MaxMindDB模块查找IP并输出JSON对象。您需要为GEO_POINT数据更新弹性索引模板。
if [dest_ip] =~ /.+/ {
ruby {
code => 'require "open3"
dest_ip = event.get("dest_ip")
cmd = "ip_search /path/to/mmdb/file/data_ip4.mmdb #{dest_ip}" dst
stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3(cmd)
event.set("process_result1", stdout.read)
if [process_result1] =~ /.+/ {
json {
source => "process_result1"
skip_on_invalid_json => true
"dst": {
"country": {
"iso_code": "US"
"domain": "akamaitechnologies.com",
"company": "Akamai Technologies, Inc.",
"asn": 32787,
"location": {
"lat": 39.043800354003906,
"lon": -77.48789978027344
PUT _template/logstash/
"index_patterns": "some_index*",
"mappings": {
"_default_": {
"properties": {
"properties": {
"location": {
"type": "geo_point"