Java - 需要根据用户输入调用三种方法之一


另外,你能告诉我为什么计费方式 2 又名"calcBillMed"有一条红色波浪线吗? 在账单金额下?我是否必须同时申报账单金额?

import java.util.Scanner;公共类 PatientBillingV2 {


/import java.text.NumberFormat;import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

//Project requirements
//Loop until the user enters -1 for the patient last name
//Request patient last name, first name, claim amount and billing method, 1,2,3
public static void main(String[] args) {  
    double billAmount;
    String method;
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
     System.out.print("nn Enter claim amount: ");
     billAmount = scan.nextDouble();
      System.out.println("Choose billing type of: deductible, Medicare or co-pay: ");
      method =scan.nextLine();
  >>>>>>>>>>>>>I want the code to go to the correct method based on user input starting here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   
// Displays program title
 public static void displayTitle() 
      System.out.println("Patient Billing");
 //Formats patients last name and first name, converting the first character of each to upper case
 public static void adjustName(String in) 
      String lastname, firstname, method;
      Scanner scan = new Scanner (;
      System.out.println("Enter patients last name: ");
      lastname = scan.nextLine();
      System.out.println(lastname.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + lastname.substring(1));
      System.out.println("Enter paitents fist name: ");
      firstname = scan.nextLine();
      System.out.println(firstname.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + firstname.substring(1));
 //Billing method 1, coverage percent = 80 with a $50 deductible, unless bill is less than $50
public double calcBillDeduct (double billAmount, double method1a, double method1b) 
     final double coveredPercent = .80;
     double deductible = 50.00;
     double total;
     //Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

        if (billAmount > deductible)
            total = (billAmount + deductible) * coveredPercent;
            System.out.println("tt  Billing method deductible, amount due = " + method1a);
             total = (billAmount * coveredPercent) - deductible;
            System.out.println("tt  Billing method deductible, claim amount is less than the deductible  = " + method1b);
        return total;
// Billing method2 - Medicare - patient is billed 35% of claim amount
public double calcBillMed (double medicare)
        final double medicadePercent = .35;
        medicare = billAmount * medicadePercent;
        System.out.println("tt  Billing method Medicare, amount due = " + medicare);
//Billing method3 is co-pay amount of $15 regardless of claim amount
public double calcCoPay (double coPay)      
    final double copay = 35;



System.out.println("Choose billing type of: deductible, Medicare or co-pay: ");
method = scan.nextLine();

现在method应包含用户想要调用的方法的名称。有几种方法可以对这些信息进行操作,以下是使用 switch 语句的一种方法。

boolean valid = isValidMethod(method); // make a method that ensures that the user entered something sane. Check if it's null, check if it corresponds to a valid method name, etc.
if(!valid) {
    // user entered an invalid method, uh oh! ask them for valid input
    // I leave this to you
// it's valid, switch on the method name and call the appropriate method
switch(method) {
    case "calcBillDeduct":
        calcBillDeduct(billAmount, method1a, method1b);
    case "calcBillMed":
    // etc
         // good to include a default, but it's an invalid method in this case
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid method: " + method);

对于 billAmount 问题,是的,您必须将 billAmount 声明为变量或使其成为类字段才能引用和修改它。


这称为变量作用域。 在一个方法中创建的变量只能由该单个函数访问。 类字段变量可供该类中的所有非静态方法访问。

至于提示用户输入并根据该输入选择方法,最好的方法是运行 if/else 块或 switch 语句并提示他们输入整数值

System.out.println("Choose billing type:n1. Deductiblen2. Medicaren3. co-pay");
int selection = scan.nextInt();
boolean validSelection = false;
while(!validSelection) {
    switch (selection) {
        case 1:
            calcBillDeduct(billAmount, method1a, method1b);
            validSelection = true;
        case 2:
            validSelection = true;
        case 3:
            validSelection = true;


public static double calcBillDeduct (double billAmount, double method1a, double method1b) 
public static double calcBillMed (double medicare)
public static double calcCoPay (double coPay)      

接下来,您需要在主方法之外声明变量 double billAmount; 如果您打算在函数中使用它而不通过参数将其传递给它们。

public static double billAmount;
public static void main(String[] args)

这会将变量置于其他方法的范围内,并且它必须是静态的,因为您正在调用 main 中的所有内容,这是静态的。

最后,这里有一个简单的做/虽然,要求选择 - 扣除,医疗保险或共付额。您所要做的就是用方法调用填写 if。

    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
    String input;
    do {
        System.out.println("Choose from the following options:ndeductnmedicarenco-paynexit");
        input = scan.nextLine();
        else if(input.equals("medicare"))
        else if(input.equals("co-pay"))
        else if(!input.equals("exit")) {
            System.out.println("Error with input : " + input);
    } while (!input.equals("exit"));


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