


我有一个带有4列和超过600k观察的数据集(问题),其中一列命名为" V3"。本专栏有"什么一天?"之类的问题。我有第二列的第二个数据集(VOC),其中一个列名称为" word"和其他列名"同义词"。如果在我的第一个数据集(问题)中存在从"同义词"列中的第二个数据集(VOC)中存在的,则我想从'Word''列中替换Word。

questions = cbind(V3=c("What is the day today?","Tom has brown eyes"))
questions <- data.frame(questions)  
1 what is the day today?                                                                                             
2     Tom has brown eyes  
voc = cbind(word=c("weather", "a","blue"),synonyms=c("day", "the", "brown"))
voc <- data.frame(voc)
     word synonyms                                                                                                    
1 weather      day                                                                                               
2       a      the                                                                                                   
3    blue    brown 
Desired output
                      V3                        V5                                                                                  
1 what is the day today?  what is a weather today?                                                                                          
2     Tom has brown eyes         Tom has blue eyes


for (k in 1:nrow(question))
    for (i in 1:nrow(voc))
      question$V5<- gsub(,strsplit(question$V3[k]," "))[which (,strsplit(question$V3[k]," "))== voc[i,2])], voc[i,1], question$V3)



for( i in 1:nrow(questions))
    for( j in 1:nrow(voc))
        if (grepl(voc[j,k],,strsplit(questions[i,]," "))) == TRUE)
            new=matrix(gsub(,strsplit(questions[i,]," "))[which(,strsplit(questions[i,]," "))== voc[j,2])], voc[j,1], questions[i,]))
    questions = cbind(questions,c(new))

首先,在程序级别或数据导入期间使用stringsAsFactors = FALSE选项很重要。这是因为r默认值将字符串变成因素,除非您另行指定。因素在建模方面很有用,但是您想对文本本身进行分析,因此您应该确保您的文本不会被强制为因素。



# Start with options to make sure strings are represented correctly
# The rest is your original code (mildly tidied to my own standard)
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
questions <- cbind(V3 = c("What is the day today?","Tom has brown eyes"))
questions <- data.frame(questions)  
voc <- cbind(word = c("weather","a","blue"),
             synonyms = c("day","the","brown"))
voc <- data.frame(voc)
# This function takes:
#  - an input string
#  - a vector of words to replace
#  - a vector of the words to use as replacements
# It returns a list of the original input and the changed version    
uFunc_FindAndReplace <- function(input_string,words_to_repl,repl_words) {
    # Start by breaking the input string into a vector
    # Note that we use [[1]] to get first list element of strsplit output
    # Obviously this relies on breaking sentences by spacing
    orig_words <- strsplit(x = input_string,split = " ")[[1]]
    # If we find at least one of the words to replace in the original words, proceed
    if(sum(orig_words %in% words_to_repl) > 0) {
        # The right side selects the elements of orig_words that match words to be replaced
        # The left side uses match to find the numeric index of those replacements within the words_to_repl vector
        # This numeric vector is used to select the values from repl_words
        # These then replace the values in orig_words
        orig_words[orig_words %in% words_to_repl] <- repl_words[match(x = orig_words,table = words_to_repl,nomatch = 0)]
        # We rebuild the sentence again, and return a list with original and new version
        new_sent <- paste(orig_words,collapse = " ")
        return(list(original = input_string,new = new_sent))
    } else {
        # Otherwise we return the original version since no changes are needed
        return(list(original = input_string,new = input_string))
# Using and, we can collapse the output of a lapply() =,
        args = lapply(X = questions$V3,
                      FUN = uFunc_FindAndReplace,
                      words_to_repl = voc$synonyms,
                      repl_words = voc$word))
                original                      new
1 What is the day today? What is a weather today?
2     Tom has brown eyes        Tom has blue eyes
