




  • state - 结构生存期中的状态,其中之一:built, :loaded, :删除
  • 源 - 与查询一起的架构源 前缀,默认为 {nil, "源"}
  • 上下文 - 由 数据库



忘记了 Ecto 3 即将推出,Hexdocs 文档仍然适用于 Ecto 2.2.11。在源代码中找到了更新的Metadata文档,尽管它们更详细:

Stores metadata of a struct.  
## State
The state of the schema is stored in the `:state` 
field and allows following values:
* `:built` - the struct was constructed in 
memory and is not persisted
to database yet;
* `:loaded` - the struct was loaded from database 
and represents persisted data;
* `:deleted` - the struct was deleted and no longer
represents persisted data.
## Source
The `:source` tracks the (table or collection) where
the struct is or should be persisted to.
## Prefix
Tracks the source prefix in the data storage.
## Context
The `:context` field represents additional state some 
databases require for proper updates of data. It is 
not used by the built-in adapters of `Ecto.Adapters.Postres` 
and `Ecto.Adapters.MySQL`.
## Schema
The `:schema` field refers the module name for the 
schema this metadata belongs to.


An Ecto schema is used to map any data source into an Elixir struct.
The definition of the schema is possible through two main APIs:
`schema/2` and `embedded_schema/1`.
`schema/2` is typically used to map data from a persisted source,
usually a database table, into Elixir structs and vice-versa. For
this reason, the first argument of `schema/2` is the source (table)
name. Structs defined with `schema/2` also contain a `__meta__` field
with metadata holding the status of the struct, for example, if it
has been built, loaded or deleted.
On the other hand, `embedded_schema/1` is used for defining schemas
that are embedded in other schemas or only exist in-memory. For example,
you can use such schemas to receive data from a command line interface
and validate it, without ever persisting it elsewhere. Such structs
do not contain a `__meta__` field, as they are never persisted.



正如何塞在 Ecto 2 → 3 系列帖子中提到的那样,

自 Ecto

2.0 以来,越来越多的开发人员和团队一直在使用 Ecto 进行数据映射和验证,而无需数据库。但是,将 Ecto 添加到您的应用程序中仍然会带来很多 SQL 包袱,例如适配器、沙箱和迁移,许多人认为这是一个混合的消息。


Ecto 2 有一个经验法则:是否需要后面的数据库,请使用schema;否则使用embedded_schema


> Ecto 内部使用__meta__字段来维护有关记录、关联的元数据,如果它们已加载、过时或更多。




  • state- 结构生命周期中的状态,:built之一,:loaded:deleted
  • source- 架构的源以及查询前缀, 默认为{nil, "source"}
  • context- 数据库存储的上下文
