在此处输入图像描述 -
在步骤10中,我使用join cmdlet将结果合并到CSV中。所以,如果一个文件名有两个不同的结果,我想把结果合并成一行。我使用逗号作为分隔符,但当我这样做时,它实际上会在CSV中显示多个逗号。有没有办法防止逗号被显示
# $pathToScan Enter the path to scan for file length
#Character Limit to be set
[int]$charLimit = 250
# File outputs
#$outputEmptyPath = "C:tempEmptyPaths_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd).csv"
#$outputCharPath = "C:tempSpecialChars_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd).csv"
$outputFilePath = "C:tempPathLengths_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd).txt"
# Use this switch to display to screen. Can ignore this for now.
$writeToConsoleAsWell = $false # Writing to the console will be much slower.
# Open a new file stream (nice and fast) and write all the paths and their lengths to it.
$outputFileDirectory = Split-Path $outputFilePath -Parent
if (!(Test-Path $outputFileDirectory)) { New-Item $outputFileDirectory -ItemType Directory }
$streamPath = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($outputFilePath, $false)
#$streamChar = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($outputFilePath, $false)
#$streamEmpty = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($outputFilePath, $false)
# STEP 1 - Check for empty paths.
((Get-ChildItem -Path $pathToScan -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True}) | Where-Object {$_.GetFiles().Count -eq 0 -and $_.GetDirectories().Count -eq 0}) | ForEach-Object {
$emptyPaths = $_.FullName
if ($emptyPaths) {
$streamPath.WriteLine("$emptyPaths , empty folder")
# STEP 2 - Show for long paths. (default=250 characters)
Get-ChildItem -Path $pathToScan -Recurse | Select-Object -Property BaseName, FullName, @{Name="FullNameLength";Expression={($_.FullName.Length)}} | Sort-Object -Property FullNameLength -Descending | ForEach-Object {
$fileName = $_.BaseName
$filePath = $_.FullName
$length = $_.FullNameLength
if ($length -gt $charLimit) {
$string = "$length : $filePath"
# Write to the Console.
if ($writeToConsoleAsWell) { Write-Host $string }
#Write to the file.
$streamPath.WriteLine("$filepath ,, file path too long")
#STEP 3 - Check for special characters. Allowed characters are Alphanumerics, single space, dashes, underscores, periods
if ($filename -match '[^a-zA-Z0-9 -_.]') {
$streamPath.WriteLine("$filepath ,,, has special characters")
#STEP 4 - Check for double spaces, dashes, periods and underscores
if ($filepath -match 's{2,}|-{2,}|.{2,}|_{2,}') {
$streamPath.WriteLine("$filepath ,,,, has double spaces/dashes/periods/underscores")
#STEP 5 - check for more than 50 characters
if ($filename -match '[^\]{51,}.[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,7}$') {
$streamPath.WriteLine("$filepath ,,,,, exceeds 50 characters")
#STEP 6 - check for empty space at end of file or folder name
if ($filename -match '(s+$)|(s+\)|(s+.)') {
$streamPath.WriteLine("$filepath ,,,,,, name has space at end")
#STEP 7 - check for zip and other archived files
if ($filename -match '(?i).zip$|(?i).tar.gz$|(?i).gz$|(?i)__MACOSX$') {
$streamPath.WriteLine("$filepath ,,,,,,, unzip files before archiving")
#step 8 - check for cache and render files
if ($filename -match '(?i).cfa$|(?i).pek$|(?i).xmp$') {
$streamPath.WriteLine("$filepath ,,,,,,,, delete cache and render files")
#step 9 - check for Windows hidden files
if ($filename -match '(?i)._|thumbs.db') {
$streamPath.WriteLine("$filepath ,,,,,,,,, delete hidden files")
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
#step 10 - Merge and sort results
Import-Csv -Path "C:tempPathLengths_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd).txt" -Header 'Path', 'Empty Folder', 'Long File Path', 'Special Characters', 'Double Spaces, Dashes, Periods and Underscores', 'Exceeds 50 Characters', 'Name Has Space at End', 'Zip File', 'Cache and Render Files', 'Windows Hidden Files' | sort 'Path' | Group-Object 'Path' | ForEach-Object {
'Path' = $_.Name
'Empty Folder' = $_.Group.'Empty Folder' -join ','
'Long File Path' = $_.Group.'XMP File' -join ',,'
'Special Characters' = $_.Group.'Special Characters' -join ',,,'
'Double Spaces, Dashes, Periods and Underscores' = $_.Group.'Double Spaces, Dashes, Periods and Underscores' -join ',,,,'
'Exceeds 50 Characters' = $_.Group.'Exceeds 50 Characters' -join ',,,,,'
'Name Has Space at End' = $_.Group.'Name Has Space at End' -join ',,,,,,'
'Zip File' = $_.Group.'Zip File' -join ',,,,,,,'
'Cache and Render Files' = $_.Group.'Cache and Render Files' -join ',,,,,,,,'
'Windows Hidden Files' = $_.Group.'Windows Hidden Files' -join ',,,,,,,,,'
} | Export-Csv "C:tempPathLengths_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd)-SORTED_FINAL.csv" -Delimiter ',' -NoTypeInformation
您不应该创建这样的临时csv文件,然后将其转换为csv,在那里您可以使用PSCustomObject和Export csv直接执行此操作
# $pathToScan Enter the path to scan for file length
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container })]
#Character Limit to be set
[int]$charLimit = 250
# File output
$outputFile = "C:tempPathLengths_$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd).csv"
# collect custom objects
$result = Get-ChildItem -Path $pathToScan -Recurse -Force | ForEach-Object {
# create the output object.
$obj = [PsCustomObject]@{
'Path' = $_.FullName
'ObjectType' = if ($_.PSIsContainer) {'Folder'} else {'File'}
'Empty Folder' = $null
'Long File Path' = $null
'Special Characters' = $null
'Double Spaces_Dashes_Periods_Underscores' = $null
'Exceeds 50 Characters' = $null
'Name Has Space at End' = $null
'Zip File' = $null
'Cache and Render Files' = $null
'Windows Hidden Files' = $null
# STEP 1 - Check for empty paths.
if ($_.PSIsContainer -and $_.GetFileSystemInfos().Count -eq 0) { $obj.'Empty Folder' = 'empty folder' }
# STEP 2 - Show for long paths. (default=250 characters)
if ($_.FullName.Length -gt $charLimit) { $obj.'Long File Path' = 'path too long' }
#STEP 3 - Check for special characters. Allowed characters are Alphanumerics, single space, dashes, underscores, periods
if ($_.BaseName -match '[^-a-z0-9 _.]') { $obj.'Special Characters' = 'has special characters' }
#STEP 4 - Check for double spaces, dashes, periods and underscores
if ($_.BaseName -match '[-s._]{2,}') { $obj.'Double Spaces_Dashes_Periods_Underscores' = 'has double spaces/dashes/periods/underscores' }
#STEP 5 - check for more than 50 characters
# This is a weird check.. Why not simply if ($_.Name.Length -gt 50) ???
if ($_.Name -match '[^\]{51,}.[a-z0-9]{2,7}$') { $obj.'Exceeds 50 Characters' = 'exceeds 50 characters' }
#STEP 6 - check for empty space at end of file or folder name
if ($_.Name -match 's$') { $obj.'Name Has Space at End' = 'name ends in whitespace' }
# these are for files only:
if (!$_.PSIsContainer) {
#STEP 7 - check for zip and other archived files
if ($_.Name -match '.zip$|.tar|.gz$|__MACOSX$') { $obj.'Zip File' = 'unzip files before archiving' }
#STEP 8 - check for cache and render files
if ('.cfa', '.pek', '.xmp' -contains $_.Extension) { $obj.'Cache and Render Files' = 'delete cache and render files' }
#STEP 9 - check for Windows hidden files
if ($_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden) { $obj.'Windows Hidden Files' = 'delete hidden files' }
# output the object, only if there is some value of interest
# (the first two properties 'Path' and 'ObjectType' are general info, so we disregard those here)
if (($obj.PsObject.Properties | Select-Object -Skip 2).Value -join '' -ne '') {
if ($result) { $result | Export-Csv -Path $outputFile -NoTypeInformation }
- 删除了正则表达式
,因为默认情况下这是不区分大小写的 - 在像
[^-a-z0-9 _.]
移到前面,因为否则它将被解释为正则表达式范围,而不是减号字符本身 - 更改了隐藏文件的测试