确定性时的虚函数开销 (C++)

我知道虚函数本质上是包含在 vtable 上的函数指针,这使得多态调用由于间接等原因而变慢。但是我想知道当调用是确定性的时编译器优化。确定性是指以下情况:

  1. 对象是值而不是引用,因此不可能有多态性:
struct Foo
    virtual void DoSomething(){....}
int main()
    Foo myfoo;
    return 0;
  1. 参考是一个无子女的班级:
struct Foo
    virtual void DoSomething();
struct Bar : public Foo
   virtual void DoSomething();
int main()
    Foo* a = new Foo();
    a->DoSomething(); //Overhead ? a doesn't seem to be able to change nature.
    Foo* b = new Bar();
    b->DoSomething(); //Overhead ? It's a polymorphic call, but b's nature is deterministic.
    Bar* c = new Bar();
    c->DoSomething(); //Overhead ? It is NOT possible to have an other version of the method than Bar::DoSomething
    return 0;




请参阅,在 GCC (g++( 中,-fdevirtualize-fdevirtualize-speculatively 。这些名称暗示了保证的质量水平。

在 Visual Studio 2013 中,即使行为是确定性的,也不会优化虚拟函数调用。


#include <iostream>
static int counter = 0;
struct Foo
    virtual void VirtualCall() { ++counter; }
    void RegularCall() { ++counter; }
int main()
    Foo* a = new Foo();
    a->VirtualCall(); //Overhead ? a doesn't seem to be able to change nature.
    std::cout << counter;
    return 0;


  0001b 8b 01        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [ecx]
  0001d ff 10        call    DWORD PTR [eax]

常规调用的机器代码显示函数是内联的 - 没有函数调用:

  00         inc     DWORD PTR _counter



struct Tzar : public Foo
   void DoSomething() override final;  // this is a virtual than can't be overriden further
Foo* factory ();  
Bar* bar_factory(); 
Tzar* tsar_factory(); 
int main()
    Foo myfoo;
    myfoo.DoSomething();  // this is a direct call
    Foo* a = new Foo();
    a->DoSomething();  //Overhead only without optimisation: a is clearly a Foo, so Foo::DoSomething(). 
    Foo* b = new Bar();
    b->DoSomething(); //Overhead only without optimisation:  b is clearly a Bar, so Bar::DoSomething().
    Bar* c = new Bar();
    c->DoSomething(); //Overhead only without optimisation: c is clearly a Bar, so Bar::DoSomething
    Foo* d = factory(); 
    d->DoSomething();  // Overhead required:  we don't know the type of d, unless global optimisation could predict it
    a = d; 
    a->DoSomething();  //the unknown propagates to a, so now this call is indirect 
    Foo*e = bar_factory(); 
    e->DoSomething();  // Overhead required:  we don't know the type of e: could be a Bar or a furhter derivate unknown in this compilation unit
    Foo*f = tsar_factory(); 
    f->DoSomething();  // Overhead could be optimised away : we don't know the type of f, but f::DoSomething() can't be overriden further
                       // but currently it isn't
  return 0;

您可以在此处找到为您使用 GCC 5.3.0 提交的所有案例生成的汇编代码,而无需优化。 它的颜色可帮助您查看每个C++语句的汇编代码。


    lea     rax, [rbp-80]         ;  take the object pointer from the stack
    mov     rdi, rax              ;  set the this pointer of the invoking object
    call    Foo::DoSomething()    ; direct call to the function

如果不进行优化,DoSomething()的所有其他调用都将使用间接调用。 这里是b->DoSomething()的例子:

    mov     rax, QWORD PTR [rbp-32]
    mov     rax, QWORD PTR [rax]
    mov     rax, QWORD PTR [rax]  ; load the function call from the vtable
    mov     rdx, QWORD PTR [rbp-32]
    mov     rdi, rax              ;  set the this pointer of the invoking object
    call    rax                   ; indirect call via register 

如果现在在编译器选项中设置优化标志 -O2,则会看到当编译器可以预测多态指针的实际类型时,大多数间接调用都会被优化掉。 在上面的示例中,它将是:

    mov     rdi, rax            ;  set the this pointer of the invoking object
    call    Bar::DoSomething()  ; direct call !! 

当编译器无法安全地预测实际类型时,它将使用间接调用。 例如,如果你有一个函数 bar_factory() ,它返回一个Bar指针,编译器无法知道它是返回指向 Bar 对象的指针,还是返回指向派生自 Bar 的类的对象(可以在另一个编译单元中定义,但此处不知道(。

唯一意想不到的一点是当你将一个虚函数定义为最终覆盖时(在我的示例中Tzar类(。 在这里,您可以期望编译器将利用DoSomething()不应该进一步派生的事实。 但这不一定完成。
