带有用户输出的 NASM 代码,然后输入到参数中.(代码错误)


一个 BASH 显示的示例,我想在 NASM 中实现的类似示例函数。

read -p "Enter the group you would like to create: " newgroup
groupadd $newgroup

我创建此代码的原因是为了显示Linux中使用的不同语言的比较,这是我研究项目的一部分。所以我知道,这可以用其他语言完成,例如Python BASH和C等。在任何人问之前。


section .data                  ; initialized data, can be var's
userg:      db "Type in the user group to add:  ",10,0  ; 1st string, 10 is used to drop down a line. 0 is used to end the line.
userg_L:    equ $-userg ; string length, automatically updates how long the string is, so you don't have to type 10 etc. every time its changed 
respns:     db "groupadded: ",10,0          ; 2nd string, 10 is used to drop down a line. 0 is used to end the line.
respns_L    equ $-respns ; 2nd string length, automatically updates how long the string is, so you don't have to type 10 etc. every time its changed 
command:         db      '/bin/groupadd', 0h    ; command to execute.
arg1:            db      userg, 0h ; Shows all users on the system.
argu:            dd      command
                 dd      arg1               ; arguments passed to the command line.
                 dd      0h                 ; struct.
enviro:          dd      0h                 ; no arguments are need for the environment variables.
section .bss                           ; uninitialised data, also can be var's
userg_V resb    255            ; reserves 255 bytes of data.
section .text               ; Asm core code. any of the sections can be in any order.
global _start:          ; Makes _start the global function
_start:                 ; Makes _start the global function
mov     eax, 0x04       ; store the system call code = 4 e.g. = kernel function (sys_write)
mov     ebx, 0x01       ; 1 is the code to where to write the Asm out to. 1= The terminal
mov     ecx, userg      ; contains the label of the string.
mov     edx, userg_L    ; this is the length of the string.
int     80h             ; calls the Linux kernel
mov     eax, 0x03       ; 3 is the code to read user input. e.g. kernel function (sys_read)
mov     ebx, 0x00       ; This is the error code memory block.
mov     ecx, userg_V        ; reserves 255 bytes of data name of string.
mov     edx, 255        ; reserves 255 bytes of data.
int     80h             ; calls the Linux kernel.
mov     eax, 0x04       ; store the system call code = 4 e.g. = kernel function (sys_write)
mov     ebx, 0x01       ; 1 is the code to where to write the Asm out to. 1= The terminal
mov     ecx, respns     ; calls the var
mov     edx, respns_L       ; calls the userg var length 
int     80h         ; calls the Linux kernel.
mov     eax, 0x04       ; store the system call code = 4 e.g. = kernel function (sys_write)
mov     ebx, 0x01       ; 1 is the code to where to write the Asm out to. 1= The terminal
mov     ecx, userg_V        ; reserves 255 bytes of data name of string.
mov     edx, 255        ; reserves 255 bytes of data.
int     80h         ; calls the Linux kernel.
mov     edx, enviro         ; Environment variables
    mov     ecx, argu           ; Arguments to pass to the command line
    mov     ebx, command        ; address to execute
    mov     eax, 11             ; SYS_EXECVE kernel opcode (11)
    int     80h
call    exit            ; Calls the exit function.

;---------------------------------ASM exit code below!-------------------------------------------
mov     eax, 0x01       ; [EAX] is 1 this is the exit code! e.g. = kernel function (sys_exit)
mov     ebx, 0x00       ; This is the error code memory block.
int     80h         ; calls the Linux kernel.


ld -s -o myasm myasm.o
myasm.o: In function `arg1':
myasm.asm:(.data+0x3e): relocation truncated to fit: R_386_8 against `.data'

此错误已使用 dd 修复,但它不会将用户组添加到系统中。


command:         db      '/bin/cat', 0h    ; command to execute.
arg1:            db      '/etc/passwd', 0h ; Shows all users on the system.

这是一个固定版本。请注意,groupadd可能不在 /bin 中,如果exec失败,您可能应该打印错误消息。

section .data                  ; initialized data, can be var's
userg:      db "Type in the user group to add:  ",10  ; 1st string, 10 is used to drop down a line.
userg_L:    equ $-userg ; string length, automatically updates how long the string is, so you don't have to type 10 etc. every time its changed
respns:     db "groupadded: ",10          ; 2nd string, 10 is used to drop down a line. 0 is used to end the line.
respns_L    equ $-respns ; 2nd string length, automatically updates how long the string is, so you don't have to type 10 etc. every time its changed
command:         db      '/bin/groupadd', 0h    ; command to execute.
argu:            dd      command
                 dd      userg_V               ; arguments passed to the command line.
                 dd      0h                 ; struct.
enviro:          dd      0h                 ; no arguments are need for the environment variables.
section .bss                           ; uninitialised data, also can be var's
userg_V resb    255            ; reserves 255 bytes of data.
section .text               ; Asm core code. any of the sections can be in any order.
global _start:          ; Makes _start the global function
_start:                 ; Makes _start the global function
mov     eax, 0x04       ; store the system call code = 4 e.g. = kernel function (sys_write)
mov     ebx, 0x01       ; 1 is the code to where to write the Asm out to. 1= The terminal
mov     ecx, userg      ; contains the label of the string.
mov     edx, userg_L    ; this is the length of the string.
int     80h             ; calls the Linux kernel
mov     eax, 0x03       ; 3 is the code to read user input. e.g. kernel function (sys_read)
mov     ebx, 0x00       ; This is the error code memory block.
mov     ecx, userg_V        ; reserves 255 bytes of data name of string.
mov     edx, 255        ; reserves 255 bytes of data.
int     80h             ; calls the Linux kernel.
push    eax             ; save length of input
mov     eax, 0x04       ; store the system call code = 4 e.g. = kernel function (sys_write)
mov     ebx, 0x01       ; 1 is the code to where to write the Asm out to. 1= The terminal
mov     ecx, respns     ; calls the var
mov     edx, respns_L       ; calls the userg var length
int     80h         ; calls the Linux kernel.
mov     eax, 0x04       ; store the system call code = 4 e.g. = kernel function (sys_write)
mov     ebx, 0x01       ; 1 is the code to where to write the Asm out to. 1= The terminal
mov     ecx, userg_V    ; the input text
mov     edx, [esp]      ; the length of the input text
int     80h         ; calls the Linux kernel.
pop     eax             ; get back input length
mov     [eax + userg_V - 1], byte 0 ; chop off trailing newline
mov     edx, enviro         ; Environment variables
    mov     ecx, argu           ; Arguments to pass to the command line
    mov     ebx, command        ; address to execute
    mov     eax, 11             ; SYS_EXECVE kernel opcode (11)
    int     80h
;---------------------------------ASM exit code below!-------------------------------------------
mov     eax, 0x01       ; [EAX] is 1 this is the exit code! e.g. = kernel function (sys_exit)
mov     ebx, 0x00       ; This is the error code memory block.
int     80h         ; calls the Linux kernel.


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