
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    /** This program will evaluate a bank customer
    for a Home Loan Equaty 
    public class HomeEquatyLoan
   public static void main(String[] args)
      String firstName,lastName, stringInput;   // Customer forst and last name.
      char usStatus ;                           //To hold 'y' or 'n;.
      String usStatus1;                         // Citizenship status of the customer.
      int ageCustomer, yearsWork;               // Customer data records.
      double annualSalaryMin = 35000;
      double annualSalaryMax = 75000;  // Customer salary.
      double annualSalary;
      // Get the customer information.
      firstName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter first name");
      lastName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter last name");
      stringInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter customer age: "); //Customer age.
      ageCustomer = Integer.parseInt(stringInput);
      stringInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter customer years at work: "); //Customer years at work.
      yearsWork = Integer.parseInt(stringInput);
      stringInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter customer annual salary: "); //Annual salary.
      annualSalary = Double.parseDouble(stringInput);

      usStatus1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the US Citizen Status");
      usStatus = usStatus1.charAt(0); 

      while(annualSalary <= annualSalaryMin  || annualSalary > annualSalaryMax)
         stringInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("The annual salary does not fall into the range" + 
                                   "allowed by State law." + "  Please enter the annual salary");
         annualSalary = Double.parseDouble(stringInput); 

      while(yearsWork < 7)
         stringInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("The customer years of work should be greater or" + 
                                   "equal that seven(7)." + "  Please enter years at work");

         yearsWork = Integer.parseInt(stringInput);

      while((usStatus != 'y') || (usStatus != 'Y'))

         usStatus1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("The customer must be an US Citizen in order to qualify" + 
                                   "for the loan.n" + "  Please enter citizenship status");
         usStatus = usStatus1.charAt(0);              

      //Display results
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, firstName +" "+ lastName + "n"+ 
         "Age :" + ageCustomer +"n" + "US Citizen: "+ usStatus + "n" + "Years of Work: " + yearsWork +
         "n" + "Annual Salary: $" + annualSalary + "n" + "Qualify for the Home Equaity loan");

 while((usStatus != 'y') || (usStatus != 'Y'))

只有当CCD_ 1同时等于CCD_ 2和CCD_。应该是:

 while (usStatus != 'y' && usStatus != 'Y')
