Windows PowerShell 将两行合二为一



05/10 some text
05/10 some text
05/10 some text
05/10 some really long text that goes to
the second line
05/10 some text 
05/10 some text
05/10 some really long text that goes to 
the second line


05/10 some text
05/10 some text
05/10 some text
05/10 some really long text that goes to the second line
05/10 some text 
05/10 some text
05/10 some really long text that goes to the second line

执行此操作的框架相当简单。 随时迭代输出的行,当需要组合一条线时,在继续之前将它们连接起来。

$collector = $null
@(switch -file $filename {
  { isNewLine($_) } { 
    # Start of new line.
    # Output the current collector, and reinitialize with the new line.
    $collector = $_
  default {
    # Continuation of previous line.  Add current to collector.
    $collector += $_ 
}, $collector) | Out-File $outputFile

棘手的部分是如何定义函数isNewLine。 例如,如果"好"行始终以文本开头,则可以使用05/10

function isNewLine([string]$line) {

或者更一般地说,如果它总是以 MM/dd 形式的日期开头,您可以使用正则表达式。

function isNewLine([string]$line) {
  $line -match '^d{2}/d{2}'

如果您需要检查行尾而不是开头,则结构略有不同。 例如,如果任何长度超过 80 个字符的行与下一行合并

$collector = $null
@(switch -file $filename {
  { $_.length -ge 80 } { 
    # Line continues on next.  Save to collector
    $collector += $_
  default {
    # Line doesn't continue.  Output it and clear collector
    $collector + $_
    $collector = $null
}, $collector) | Out-File $outputFile
