

namespace detail
template<typename T>
constexpr auto address(T&& t) ->
  typename ::std::remove_reference<T>::type*
  return &t;
template <typename FP, FP fp, class C, typename ...A>
struct S
  static constexpr auto* l = false ? address(
    [](C* const object) noexcept
      return [object](A&& ...args) {
        return (object->*fp)(::std::forward<A>(args)...); 
    }) :
template <typename FP, FP fp, typename R, class C, typename ...A>
auto make_member_delegate(C* const object, R (C::* const)(A...)) ->
  decltype((*S<FP, fp, C, A...>::l)(object))
  return (*S<FP, fp, C, A...>::l)(object);
template <typename FP, FP fp, class C>
auto make_member_delegate(C* const object) ->
  decltype(detail::make_member_delegate<FP, fp>(object, fp))
  return detail::make_member_delegate<FP, fp>(object, fp);
struct A
  void hello()
    ::std::cout << "it worked" << ::std::endl;
int main()
  A a;
  auto d(make_member_delegate<decltype(&A::hello), &A::hello>(&a));
  return 0;



t.cpp:20:26: error: 'constexpr detail::S<void (A::*)(), &A::hello, A>::<lambda(A*)>* const detail::S<void (A::*)(), &A::hello, A>::l', declared using local type 'detail::S<void (A::*)(), &A::hello, A>::<lambda(A*)>', is used but never defined [-fpermissive]
   static constexpr auto* l = false ? address(

叮当声+ + 3.4.2:

t.cpp:21:5: error: a lambda expression may not appear inside of a constant expression
    [](C* const object) noexcept
t.cpp:33:14: note: in instantiation of template class 'detail::S<void (A::*)(), &A::hello, A>' requested here
  decltype((*S<FP, fp, C, A...>::l)(object))
t.cpp:32:6: note: while substituting deduced template arguments into function template 'make_member_delegate' [with FP = void
      (A::*)(), fp = &A::hello, R = void, C = A, A = <>]
auto make_member_delegate(C* const object, R (C::* const)(A...)) ->
t.cpp:41:6: note: while substituting deduced template arguments into function template 'make_member_delegate' [with FP = void
      (A::*)(), fp = &A::hello, C = A]
auto make_member_delegate(C* const object) ->




template <typename FP, FP fp, typename R, class C, typename ...A>
auto make_delegate(C* const object, R (C::* const)(A...)) ->
  decltype((*decltype(S<FP, fp, C, A...>::l)(nullptr))(object))
  return (*decltype(S<FP, fp, C, A...>::l)(nullptr))(object);
