是否可以在 uwp 吐司通知中显示动画?

>我试图了解是否可以在 Toast 通知中显示倒数计时器或某种动画或任何动态内容?

看看这篇文章 Microsoft


这演示了如何将进度栏添加到 UWP 应用中的 Toast 通知。

首先,使用特定标记创建 Toast 通知

using Windows.UI.Notifications;
using Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications;
public void SendUpdatableToastWithProgress()
// Define a tag (and optionally a group) to uniquely identify the notification, in order update the notification data later;
string tag = "weekly-playlist";
string group = "downloads";
// Construct the toast content with data bound fields
var content = new ToastContent()
Visual = new ToastVisual()
BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric()
Children =
new AdaptiveText()
Text = "Downloading your weekly playlist..."
new AdaptiveProgressBar()
Title = "Weekly playlist",
Value = new BindableProgressBarValue("progressValue"),
ValueStringOverride = new BindableString("progressValueString"),
Status = new BindableString("progressStatus")
// Generate the toast notification
var toast = new ToastNotification(content.GetXml());
// Assign the tag and group
toast.Tag = tag;
toast.Group = group;
// Assign initial NotificationData values
// Values must be of type string
toast.Data = new NotificationData();
toast.Data.Values["progressValue"] = "0.6";
toast.Data.Values["progressValueString"] = "15/26 songs";
toast.Data.Values["progressStatus"] = "Downloading...";
// Provide sequence number to prevent out-of-order updates, or assign 0 to indicate "always update"
toast.Data.SequenceNumber = 1;
// Show the toast notification to the user

然后,您可以使用该标记更新 Toast 通知

using Windows.UI.Notifications;
public void UpdateProgress()
// Construct a NotificationData object;
string tag = "weekly-playlist";
string group = "downloads";
// Create NotificationData and make sure the sequence number is incremented
// since last update, or assign 0 for updating regardless of order
var data = new NotificationData
SequenceNumber = 2
// Assign new values
// Note that you only need to assign values that changed. In this example
// we don't assign progressStatus since we don't need to change it
data.Values["progressValue"] = "0.7";
data.Values["progressValueString"] = "18/26 songs";
// Update the existing notification's data by using tag/group
ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Update(data, tag, group);
