使用 Teradata SQL查询限制结果

下面的SQL导致结果下降,因为最低FYPD是在上一财政年度。 PS_DEPR_RPT表包含每个资产的 1 行,因为有 12 个会计期间。

以下查询的目的是返回资产 ID。 如果未在上一期间添加资产,则最低值效果很好。

select  business_unit, asset_id, book, 
min((fiscal_year * 100) + accounting_period) as FYPD
from psfs.PS_DEPR_RPT pdr
where book = 'PERFORM' 
having FYPD between 201901 and 201912
group by 1,2,3

有关如何从此表中返回 FY 19 和期间 1 至 12 的单个资产 ID 的任何建议将不胜感激。 看起来应该没有那么困难,但我今天没有穿过阴霾。 感谢您的帮助...


select  business_unit, asset_id, book, 
when FYPD between 201701 and 201712
then (fiscal_year * 100) + accounting_period
else NULL
end) as FYPD_17,
when FYPD between 201801 and 201812
then (fiscal_year * 100) + accounting_period
else NULL
end) as FYPD_18,
when FYPD between 201901 and 201912
then (fiscal_year * 100) + accounting_period
else NULL
end) as FYPD_19
from psfs.PS_DEPR_RPT pdr
where book = 'PERFORM' 
group by 1, 2, 3

如果需要跨所有FYPD列的非 null 最小值,请根据 CTEWITH语法的结果运行COALESCE

with cte as (
-- ...above query...
select  business_unit, asset_id, book, 
coalesce(FYPD_19, FYPD_18, FYPD_17) as FYPD_min    
from cte
