贝尔曼·福特(Bellman Ford)的表演

   for(int k=1; k<=Vertices-1; k++){   
        /*Every sublist has found the shortest to its adjacent vertices
        thats why starting loop from k-1 then going into every edge of a vertex
        and updating the shortest distance from it to the other.
        for(int i=k-1; i<Vertices; i++){
            // Visiting every Vertex(V) and checking distance of its edges to some other vertex Vo.
            for(int j=0; j<Edges[i].size(); j++){
                int v = Edges[i].get(j).src;
                int edge = Edges[i].get(j).dest;
                int weight = Edges[i].get(j).weight;
                // if exisiting distance is not infinity and from source to that vertex the weight is less then update it
                if (dist[v]!=Integer.MAX_VALUE && dist[v]+weight<dist[edge]){
                    //updating parent of destination to source.
                    parent[edge] = v;

我已经从(linkedlist)列表中实现了贝尔曼·福特(Bellman Ford目的地。我在这里感到困惑的是,时间复杂性仍然是o(ve)或改变的,我已经看到这项工作在2个循环中完成了,这就是为什么,也会发现每个顶点经过的最短路径,否则我必须从0开始?

在您检查v时间的所有边缘时,复杂性仍然为 O(VE)。有关更多信息,请阅读此信息。
