在图像上方移动 UIView

我想通过触摸图像上方来移动UIView。 我计算了图像在UIImageView和触摸中的CGRect开始了,touchesMoved函数可以移动视图。 我在这些函数(touch in touches)中有一个for循环,在这个循环中,有通过触摸移动视图的代码。 我只想仅在视图位于图像本身上方时才移动视图,因此我将if放在下一个 for 循环中:

if imageRect.contains(selectedText.frame)

问题是当我将视图移出 imageRect 时,它卡住了。 我无法将其移回。 我希望能够在图像的CGRect中移动UIView,但不能移出图像。

编辑: selectedText 是 UIView,在 touchesBegin func 中,我使变量toucheLocation(我在 touchesMoving func 中有相同的代码,除了var toucheLocation = location部分)

if selectedText.frame.contains(toucheLocation){
selectedText.center.x = selectedText.center.x + (location.x - toucheLocation.x)
selectedText.center.y = selectedText.center.y + (location.y - toucheLocation.y)
toucheLocation = location


这是代码的更大部分: (var toucheLocation = CGPoint()部分在课程开始时)

override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches {
let location = touch.location(in: imageView)
toucheLocation = location
if imageRect.contains(selectedText.frame){
if selectedText.frame.contains(toucheLocation){
selectedText.center.x = selectedText.center.x + (location.x - toucheLocation.x)
selectedText.center.y = selectedText.center.y + (location.y - toucheLocation.y)
toucheLocation = location
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches {
let location = touch.location(in: imageView)
if imageRect.contains(selectedText.frame){
if selectedText.frame.contains(toucheLocation){
selectedText.center.x = selectedText.center.x + (location.x - toucheLocation.x)
selectedText.center.y = selectedText.center.y + (location.y - toucheLocation.y)
toucheLocation = location


因此,尝试使用以下方法,而不是您当前的if分支(if imageRect.contains(selectedText.frame){):

if selectedText.frame.contains(toucheLocation) {
let proposedFrame = selectedText.frame
proposedFrame.center.x = proposedFrame.center.x + (location.x - toucheLocation.x)
proposedFrame.center.y = proposedFrame.center.y + (location.y - toucheLocation.y)
if imageRect.contains(proposedFrame) {
selectedText.frame = proposedFrame
toucheLocation = location


if imageRect.contains(proposedFrame) {
selectedText.frame = proposedFrame



var imgView : UIImageView // your imageview on which you wanted to move the UIView
var viewMove : UIView // It is the view which move only over the


let minX = imgView.frame.origin.x
let minY = imgView.frame.origin.y
let maxX = imgView.frame.origin.x + imgView.frame.size.width
let maxY = imgView.frame.origin.y + imgView.frame.size.height
let touchPoint : CGPoint // touch point
if  (touchPoint.x >= minX) &&  // check left margin of View
(touchPoint.y >= minY) &&  // check top margin of View
(touchPoint.x + viewMove.frame.size.width <= maxX) &&  // check right margin of View
(touchPoint.y + viewMove.frame.size.height <= maxY) {  // check bottom margin of View

/*- If any of above condition is false, it means your view is moving out of imageview boundry  else it is within imageview boundry.-*/
// give your view new origin to move
// do code to restrict you view to move out of image boundry
