熊猫csv - 清理错误列中的数据


date    tap     time    count
0         20160730     on     02:30   415.0
1         20160730     on     02:30    18.0
2         20160730     on     02:30    24.0
3         20160730     on     02:30    31.0
4         20160730     on     13:30    64.0
...            ...    ...       ...     ...
169549    20170101  23:45        29     NaN
169550    20170101  23:45        34     NaN
169551    20170101  23:45        43     NaN
169552    20170101  23:45        42     NaN
169553    20170101  23:45        60     NaN

请注意,在最后 5 行中,"时间"的值位于"点击"列中,而"计数"的值位于"时间"列中。这不仅发生在最后几行,而且发生在整个数据集中。


for each item in the 'tap' column
if item is neither 'on' or 'off', then
the value of the 'count' column in that row takes on the value of the 'time' column
the value of the 'time' column in that row takes on the value of the 'tap' column
the value of the 'tap' column in that row is replaced by a string "N/A"


date   tap    time    count
0         20160730    on    02:30   415.0
1         20160730    on    02:30    18.0
2         20160730    on    02:30    24.0
3         20160730    on    02:30    31.0
4         20160730    on    13:30    64.0
...            ...   ...      ...     ...
169549    20170101   N/A    23:45      29
169550    20170101   N/A    23:45      34
169551    20170101   N/A    23:45      43
169552    20170101   N/A    23:45      42
169553    20170101   N/A    23:45      60


import pandas as pd 
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', dtype={
'date': str,
'tap': str,
'time': str,
'count': float})


DataFrame.shift与条件一起使用Series.isin,只需要将所有列转换为字符串以避免不匹配的 dtype 缺少值(如最后一列(:

m = df['tap'].isin(['on','off'])
cols = ['tap','time','count']
df.loc[~m, cols] = df.loc[~m, cols].astype(str).shift(axis=1)
df['count'] = df['count'].astype(int)
print (df)
date  tap   time  count
0       20160730   on  02:30    415
1       20160730   on  02:30     18
2       20160730   on  02:30     24
3       20160730   on  02:30     31
4       20160730   on  13:30     64
169549  20170101  NaN  23:45     29
169550  20170101  NaN  23:45     34
169551  20170101  NaN  23:45     43
169552  20170101  NaN  23:45     42
169553  20170101  NaN  23:45     60


m = df['tap'].isin(['on','off'])
df.loc[~m, ['time','count']] = df.loc[~m, ['tap','time']].to_numpy()
df.loc[~m, 'tap'] = np.nan
df['count'] = df['count'].astype(int)
print (df)
date  tap   time  count
0       20160730   on  02:30    415
1       20160730   on  02:30     18
2       20160730   on  02:30     24
3       20160730   on  02:30     31
4       20160730   on  13:30     64
169549  20170101  NaN  23:45     29
169550  20170101  NaN  23:45     34
169551  20170101  NaN  23:45     43
169552  20170101  NaN  23:45     42
169553  20170101  NaN  23:45     60


wrong_vals = df['tap'].isin(['on', 'off'])
df.loc[~wrong_vals, 'time'] = df['tap']
df.loc[wrong_vals, 'tap'] = None
