在 JAVA 中创建一个方法来打印调用另一个类的特定格式的 ArrayList 的内容

在此示例中,我想将学校的学生添加到 ArrayList 中,并从另一个类中定义的另一个方法打印具有多态格式的数组列表。

import java.util.ArrayList;
class Student{
public static String name;
public static String gender;
public static int age;
//setting default values for the member variables
public Student(){
name = "default name";
gender = "default gender";
age = 0;
//constructor of the parameters for the name, gender, and age.
public Student(String name, String gender, int age){
Student.name = name;
Student.gender = gender;
Student.age = age;
// Polymorphism to print with a specific format
public static void printInfo(){
System.out.println(name+", "+gender+", "+age+"n");
// creating a class for Male students
class Male extends Student{
private static String gender;
public Male(String name, int age){
super(name, gender, age);
Male.gender = "Male";
// creating a class for Female students
class Female extends Student{
private static String gender;
public Female(String name, int age){
super(name, gender, age);
Female.gender = "Female";
// create a class for school to collect all the students
class School{
static ArrayList<Student> students;
public static void addStudent(Student a){
ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<Student>();
public void printAllInfo(){
//call the Student.printInfo method from the Student class
public class SchoolBuilder{
public static void main(String[] args){
School.addStudent(new Male("Sam",13));
School.addStudent(new Male("John",11));
School.addStudent(new Female("Elle",12));
School.addStudent(new Male("Paul",12));
School.addStudent(new Female("Javinia",11));
School.addStudent(new Male("Paperino",12));
//PRint all by calling School.printAllInfo should print the formatted ArrayList 


Sam, Male, 13
John, Male, 11
Elle, Female, 12
Paul, Male, 12
Javinia, Female, 11
Paperino, Male, 12

我是 JAVA 的新手,只是不知道该怎么做。这似乎很容易。 我为性别制作了这两个类,因为以后很容易添加所有男性或女性的 CSV 文件,并将它们添加到分别调用男性和女性类的数据集中。




  1. 在这种情况下,您希望避免使用静态上下文,因为静态 变量属于一个类。不是每个学生都会有相同的 例如,名称。
  2. 同样,您不会打电话给Student.function(),而是会打电话给this.function(),只为那个学生打电话,而不是班上的学生。this是学生的一个实例。
  3. 你绝对不想在你的addStudent((方法中做ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<Student>();。你是 每次添加学生时重置学生列表。保持 在类级别声明中或更好的是,添加一个 构造 函数。
import java.util.ArrayList;
class Student{
public String name;
public String gender;
public int age;
//setting default values for the member variables
public Student(){
name = "default name";
gender = "default gender";
age = 0;
//constructor of the parameters for the name, gender, and age.
public Student(String name, String gender, int age){
this.name = name;
this.gender = gender;
this.age = age;

// Polymorphism to print with a specific format
public String printInfo(){
return name+", "+gender+", "+age+"n";
// creating a class for Male students
class Male extends Student{
private static String gender;
public Male(String name, int age){
super(name, gender, age);
Male.gender = "Male";
// creating a class for Female students
class Female extends Student{
private static String gender;
public Female(String name, int age){
super(name, gender, age);
Female.gender = "Female";
// create a class for school to collect all the students
class School{
ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<Student>();
public void addStudent(Student a) {
public void printAllInfo(){
//call the Student.printInfo method from the Student class
public String toString() {
String string = "";
for (Student s : students) {
string += s.printInfo();
return string;
public class Work{
public static void main(String[] args){
School sch = new School();
sch.addStudent(new Male("Sam",13));
sch.addStudent(new Male("John",11));
sch.addStudent(new Female("Elle",12));
sch.addStudent(new Male("Paul",12));
sch.addStudent(new Female("Javinia",11));
sch.addStudent(new Male("Paperino",12));


  1. Student对象不应具有static字段。static意味着它们不是引用特定对象,而是引用类本身。
    当你使用构造函数(new Student("Sam", "Male", 13)(来定义学生时,你定义了特定的实现。

class Student {
public String name;
public String gender;
public int age;
//setting default values for the member variables
public Student(){
name = "default name";
gender = "default gender";
age = 0;
//constructor of the parameters for the name, gender, and age.
public Student(String name, String gender, int age){
this.name = name;
this.gender = gender;
this.age = age;
  1. MaleFemale必须更改。扩展Student类以将默认值设置为gender字段并没有错。例如,如果Male类有一个特定的字段(例如favouriteSoccerPlayer(,而普通学生不应该有一个特定的字段,那么扩展它会更有用。在这种情况下,Male类将从父类(Student(继承字段并添加另一个额外的字段:

class Male extends Student {
private String favouriteSoccerPlayer;
public Male(String name,  int age) {
super(name, "Male", age); // call the constructor of the super class
public Male(String name,  int age, String favouriteSoccerPlayer) {
super(name, "Male", age); // call the constructor of the super class
this.favouriteSoccerPlayer = favouriteSoccerPlayer;
// getter and setter for only this field


Male male = new Male("John", 32, "Maradona");



// creating a class for Male students
class Male extends Student{
private static final String gender = "Male";//This should be constant for all instances of class and because of that it is "static final"
public Male(String name, int age){
super(name, gender, age);


import java.util.ArrayList;
// create a class for school to collect all the students
class School {
private ArrayList<Student> students; //Should not be static, and initialization moved in constructor
public School() {
students = new ArrayList<>();
public void addStudent(Student a) {
public void printAllInfo() {
for (Student s : students) {


public class SchoolBuilder{
public static void main(String[] args){
School school=new School();
school.addStudent(new Male("Sam",13));
school.addStudent(new Male("John",11));
school.addStudent(new Female("Elle",12));
school.addStudent(new Male("Paul",12));
school.addStudent(new Female("Javinia",11));
school.addStudent(new Male("Paperino",12));


// Polymorphism to print with a specific format
public void printInfo(){
System.out.println(name+", "+gender+", "+age+"n");

