如何在 Keras 中为顺序模型实现损失函数(交集)?

IoU是一个损失函数,需要最大化而不是最小化。这是我尝试过的,但我无法访问 max 函数中的参数值:

def bb_intersection_over_union(boxA, boxB):
# determine the (x, y)-coordinates of the intersection rectangle
xA = max(boxA[0], boxB[0])       #error in THESE lines
yA = max(boxA[1], boxB[1])
xB = min(boxA[2], boxB[2])
yB = min(boxA[3], boxB[3])
# compute the area of intersection rectangle
interArea = max(0, xB - xA + 1) * max(0, yB - yA + 1)
# compute the area of both the prediction and ground-truth
# rectangles
boxAArea = (boxA[2] - boxA[0] + 1) * (boxA[3] - boxA[1] + 1)    
boxBArea = (boxB[2] - boxB[0] + 1) * (boxB[3] - boxB[1] + 1)
# compute the intersection over union by taking the intersection
# area and dividing it by the sum of prediction + ground-truth
# areas - the interesection area
iou = interArea / float(boxAArea + boxBArea - interArea)
# return the intersection over union value
return iou


import numpy as np
def computeIoU(y_pred_batch, y_true_batch):
return np.mean(np.asarray([pixelAccuracy(y_pred_batch[i], y_true_batch[i]) 
for i in range(len(y_true_batch))])) 
def pixelAccuracy(y_pred, y_true):
y_pred = np.argmax(np.reshape(y_pred, 
y_true = np.argmax(np.reshape(y_true, 
y_pred = y_pred * (y_true>0)
return 1.0 * np.sum((y_pred==y_true)*(y_true>0)) /  np.sum(y_true>0)

如果您有像素(不是框(的预测值,并且值介于 0 和 1 之间。(对于单节课,在场/缺席(

def iou(true, pred):
intersection = true * pred
notTrue = 1 - true
union = true + (notTrue * pred)
return K.sum(intersection)/K.sum(union)

您的函数适应了(我不知道它是否正常工作,存在风险或由于交集 = 常量 0 而将 None 作为梯度(

def iou(boxA,boxB):
xA = K.stack([boxA[:,0], boxB[:,0]], axis=-1)
yA = K.stack([boxA[:,1], boxB[:,1]], axis=-1)
xB = K.stack([boxA[:,2], boxB[:,2]], axis=-1)
yB = K.stack([boxA[:,3], boxB[:,3]], axis=-1)
xA = K.max(xA, axis=-1)
yA = K.max(yA, axis=-1)
xB = K.min(xB, axis=-1)
yB = K.min(yB, axis=-1)
interX = K.zeros_like(xB)
interY = K.zeros_like(yB)
interX = K.stack([interX, xB-xA + 1], axis=-1)
interY = K.stack([interY, yB-yA + 1], axis=-1)
#because of these "max", interArea may be constant 0, without gradients, and you may have problems with no gradients. 
interX = K.max(interX, axis=-1)
interY = K.max(interY, axis=-1)
interArea = interX * interY
boxAArea = (boxA[:,2] - boxA[:,0] + 1) * (boxA[:,3] - boxA[:,1] + 1)    
boxBArea = (boxB[:,2] - boxB[:,0] + 1) * (boxB[:,3] - boxB[:,1] + 1) 
iou = interArea / (boxAArea + boxBArea - interArea)
return iou
