将.wav和.png/.jpg文件添加到 GUI

我创建了一个简单的井字游戏GUI游戏。我想通过将按钮上显示的内容从仅文本"X"和"O"更改为花哨的图形"X"和"O"(通过提供 jpg 或 png 文件(来扩展它,并使用.wav文件添加声音。


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class TicTacToeGUI implements ActionListener
//Class constants
private static final int WINDOW_WIDTH = 300;
private static final int WINDOW_HEIGHT = 300;
private static final int TEXT_WIDTH = 30;
private static final String PLAYER_X = "X"; // player using "X"
private static final String PLAYER_O = "O"; // player using "O"
private static final String EMPTY = "";  // empty cell
private static final String TIE = "T"; // game ended in a tie
private String player;   // current player (PLAYER_X or PLAYER_O)
private String winner;   // winner: PLAYER_X, PLAYER_O, TIE, EMPTY = in progress
private int numFreeSquares; // number of squares still free
private JMenuItem resetItem; // reset board
private JMenuItem quitItem; // quit
private JLabel gameText; // current message
private JButton board[][]; // 3x3 array of JButtons
private JFrame window = new JFrame("TIC-TAC-TOE"); 

* Constructs a new Tic-Tac-Toe GUI board
public TicTacToeGUI()
setUpGUI(); // set up GUI
setFields(); // set up other fields   

* Set up the non-GUI fields
private void setFields() 
winner = EMPTY;
numFreeSquares = 9;
player = PLAYER_X;
* reset the game so we can start again.
private void resetGame() 
// reset board
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
gameText.setText("Game in Progress: X's turn");
// reset other fields

* Action Performed (from actionListener Interface).
* (This method is executed when a button is selected.)
* @param the action event
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
// see if it's a menu item
if(e.getSource() instanceof JMenuItem) 
JMenuItem select = (JMenuItem) e.getSource();
if (select==resetItem)
resetGame();// reset
System.exit(0);   // must be quit
// it must be a button
JButton chose = (JButton) e.getSource();  // set chose to the button clicked
chose.setText(player);     // set its text to the player's mark
chose.setEnabled(false);   // disable button (can't choose it now)
//see if game is over 
winner = player; // must be the player who just went
else if(numFreeSquares==0)
winner = TIE; // board is full so it's a tie 
// if have winner stop the game
if (winner!=EMPTY) 
disableAll(); // disable all buttons
// print winner
String s = "Game over: ";
if (winner == PLAYER_X) 
s += "X wins";
else if (winner == PLAYER_O) 
s += "O wins";
else if (winner == TIE) 
s += "Tied game";
// change to other player (game continues)
if (player==PLAYER_X)
gameText.setText("Game in progress: O's turn");
gameText.setText("Game in progress: X's turn");

* Returns true if filling the given square gives us a winner, and false
* otherwise.
* @param Square just filled
* @return true if we have a winner, false otherwise
private boolean haveWinner(JButton c) 
// unless at least 5 squares have been filled, we don't need to go any further
// (the earliest we can have a winner is after player X's 3rd move).
return false;
// find the square that was selected
int row=0, col=0;
outerloop: // a label to allow us to break out of both loops
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) 
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (c==board[i][j])
// object identity
row = i;
col = j;  //  row, col represent the chosen square
break outerloop; // break out of both loops
// check row "row"
if( board[row][0].getText().equals(board[row][1].getText()) && board[row][0].getText().equals(board[row][2].getText()) )
return true;
// check column "col"
if (board[0][col].getText().equals(board[1][col].getText()) &&board[0][col].getText().equals(board[2][col].getText()) ) 
return true;
// if row=col check one diagonal
if (row == col)
if( board[0][0].getText().equals(board[1][1].getText()) && board[0][0].getText().equals(board[2][2].getText()) ) 
return true;
// if row=2-col check other diagonal
if (row == 2-col)
if( board[0][2].getText().equals(board[1][1].getText()) && board[0][2].getText().equals(board[2][0].getText()) )
return true;
// no winner yet
return false;

* Disables all buttons (game over)
private void disableAll()
if (numFreeSquares==0) 
return; // nothing to do
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
* Set up the GUI
private void setUpGUI()
// for control keys
final int SHORTCUT_MASK = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask(); 
// set up the menu bar and menu
JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar();
window.setJMenuBar(menubar); // add menu bar to our frame
JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("Game"); // create a menu called "Game"
menubar.add(fileMenu); // and add to our menu bar
resetItem = new JMenuItem("Reset"); // create a menu item called "Reset"
fileMenu.add(resetItem); // and add to our menu (can also use ctrl-R:)
resetItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_R, SHORTCUT_MASK));
quitItem = new JMenuItem("Quit"); // create a menu item called "Quit"
fileMenu.add(quitItem); // and add to our menu (can also use ctrl-Q:)
quitItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_Q, SHORTCUT_MASK));
window.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // default so not required
JPanel gamePanel = new JPanel();
gamePanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 3));
window.getContentPane().add(gamePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
gameText = new JLabel("Game in Progress: X's turn");
window.getContentPane().add(gameText, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
// create JButtons, add to window, and action listener
board = new JButton[3][3];
Font font = new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 24);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
board[i][j] = new JButton(EMPTY);

要将图像分配给 JButton,您可以使用构造函数或以下方法:

JButton myButton = new JButton(new ImageIcon("D:\icon.png"));  
setIcon(new ImageIcon("D:\icon.png"));



import java.io.File;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.Clip;
public class MusicPlayer {
private Clip clip;
public void play() {
try {
AudioInputStream audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File("D:\sound.wav").getAbsoluteFile());
clip = AudioSystem.getClip();
catch(Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Error with playing sound.");
