public class UnoMain {
public static void main(String args[]) {
UnoGUI form = new UnoGUI(); // GUI class instance
// NetBeans allowed me to design some dialog boxes alongside the main JFrame, so
form.gameSetupDialog.setVisible(true); // This is how I'm trying to use a dialog box
/* Right around here is the first part of the problem.
* I don't know how to make the program wait for the dialog to complete.
* It should wait for a submission by a button named playerCountButton.
* After the dialog is complete it's supposed to hide too but it doesn't do that either. */
Uno Game = new Uno(form.Players); // Game instance is started
form.setVisible(true); // Main GUI made visible
boolean beingPlayed = true; // Variable dictating if player still wishes to play.
form.playerCountLabel.setText("Players: " + Game.Players.size()); // A GUI label reflects the number of players input by the user in the dialog box.
while (beingPlayed) {
if (!Game.getCompleted()) // While the game runs, two general functions are repeatedly called.
Player activePlayer = Game.Players.get(Game.getWhoseTurn());
// There are CPU players, which do their thing automatically...
// And human players which require input before continuing.
/* Second part of the problem:
* if activePlayer's strategy == manual/human
* wait for GUI input from either a button named
* playButton or a button named passButton */
// GUI updating code //
编辑:基本上,教授让我们制作一个带有GUI的Uno游戏。游戏中可以有电脑和人类玩家,玩家的数量由玩家在游戏开始时决定。我一开始基于主机编写了所有内容,以确保游戏核心能够运行,并尝试着设计GUI;目前,这个GUI只在游戏运行时显示有关游戏的信息,但我不确定如何让代码等待并接收来自GUI的输入,而不让程序提前收费。我已经调查了其他StackOverflow问题,比如这个,这个,这个,或者这个,但我不明白如何将答案应用到我自己的代码中。如果可能的话,我想一个答案类似于在链接的答案(与代码的答案,我可以检查和/或使用)。如果我听起来要求很高,没有受过教育,令人困惑,我道歉;我已经在这个项目上努力工作了几个星期了,现在明天就要交了,我一直很紧张,因为在我解决这个问题之前我不能前进。TL;DR -如何让主程序等待并侦听按钮单击事件?我应该使用模态对话框,还是有其他的方法来做到这一点?在这两种情况下,需要修改哪些代码来实现它?