
我构建了一个带有多个视图控制器的Ipad游戏,在开始时(在ROOT VC中),它会启动一个计时器,从2小时开始倒计时。在XCODE 8.2.1/Swift 3上运行。

在接下来的ViewController(第6或第7行)上,我有一个迷你游戏,用户通过TouchesBegan/TouchesMoved/TouchesEnded将8个可用的UIImageView拖放到4个其他UIImageView(有点像空槽)。(UIImageViews由Interface Builder设置)。










var showGameTimeTimer = Timer()
override func viewDidLoad() {
showGameTimeTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: #selector(showTime), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
func showTime(){
TimeLeftLabel.text = gameTimerString // gametimerstring gets updated every second from a timer fired at the Root VC
var initialPosi = CGPoint()
var initialPosiSecond = CGPoint()
var initialPosiThird = CGPoint()
var initialPosiFourth = CGPoint()
var initialPosiFifth = CGPoint()
var initialPosiSixth = CGPoint()
var initialPosiSeventh = CGPoint()
var initialPosiEigth = CGPoint()
var hasTakenFromFirstSlot = 0
var hasTakenFromSecondSlot = 0
var hasTakenFromThirdSlot = 0
var hasTakenFromFourthSlot = 0
var imageSelected = 0
var firstSlotIsTaken = 0
var secondSlotIsTaken = 0
var thirdSlotIsTaken = 0
var fourthSlotIsTaken = 0
var firstSlotHasImageNumber = 0
var secondSlotHasImageNumber = 0
var thirdSlotHasImageNumber = 0
var fourthSlotHasImageNumber = 0
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in (touches) {
let location = touch.location(in: self.view)

hasTakenFromFirstSlot = 0
hasTakenFromSecondSlot = 0
hasTakenFromThirdSlot = 0
hasTakenFromFourthSlot = 0
if FirstImage.frame.contains(location) {
imageSelected = 1
FirstImage.center = location
if secondImage.frame.contains(location) {
imageSelected = 2
secondImage.center = location
if thirdImage.frame.contains(location) {
imageSelected = 3
thirdImage.center = location
if fourthImage.frame.contains(location) {
imageSelected = 4
fourthImage.center = location
if fifthImage.frame.contains(location) {
imageSelected = 5
fifthImage.center = location
if sixthImage.frame.contains(location) {
imageSelected = 6
sixthImage.center = location
if seventhImage.frame.contains(location) {
imageSelected = 7
seventhImage.center = location
if eightImage.frame.contains(location) {
imageSelected = 8
eightImage.center = location
if (FirstImage.frame.contains(location) || secondImage.frame.contains(location)  || thirdImage.frame.contains(location)  || fourthImage.frame.contains(location)   || fifthImage.frame.contains(location)  || sixthImage.frame.contains(location)  || seventhImage.frame.contains(location)  || eightImage.frame.contains(location)  ) && firstCorrectImage.frame.contains(location) && firstSlotIsTaken > 0 && firstSlotHasImageNumber > 0 {
hasTakenFromFirstSlot = 1
if (FirstImage.frame.contains(location) || secondImage.frame.contains(location)  || thirdImage.frame.contains(location)  || fourthImage.frame.contains(location)   || fifthImage.frame.contains(location)  || sixthImage.frame.contains(location)  || seventhImage.frame.contains(location)  || eightImage.frame.contains(location)  ) && secondCorrectImage.frame.contains(location) && secondSlotIsTaken > 0 && secondSlotHasImageNumber > 0 {
hasTakenFromSecondSlot = 1
if (FirstImage.frame.contains(location) || secondImage.frame.contains(location)  || thirdImage.frame.contains(location)  || fourthImage.frame.contains(location)   || fifthImage.frame.contains(location)  || sixthImage.frame.contains(location)  || seventhImage.frame.contains(location)  || eightImage.frame.contains(location) ) && thirdCorrectImage.frame.contains(location) && thirdSlotHasImageNumber > 0 && thirdSlotIsTaken > 0 {
hasTakenFromThirdSlot = 1
if (FirstImage.frame.contains(location) || secondImage.frame.contains(location)  || thirdImage.frame.contains(location)  || fourthImage.frame.contains(location)   || fifthImage.frame.contains(location)  || sixthImage.frame.contains(location)  || seventhImage.frame.contains(location)  || eightImage.frame.contains(location)  ) && fourthCorrectImage.frame.contains(location) && fourthSlotIsTaken > 0 && fourthSlotHasImageNumber > 0 {
hasTakenFromFourthSlot = 1
if firstCorrectImage.frame.contains(location) && FirstImage.frame.contains(location) == false && secondImage.frame.contains(location) == false && thirdImage.frame.contains(location) == false && fourthImage.frame.contains(location) == false && fifthImage.frame.contains(location) == false && sixthImage.frame.contains(location) == false && seventhImage.frame.contains(location) == false && eightImage.frame.contains(location) == false {
firstSlotIsTaken = 0
if secondCorrectImage.frame.contains(location) && FirstImage.frame.contains(location) == false && secondImage.frame.contains(location) == false && thirdImage.frame.contains(location) == false && fourthImage.frame.contains(location) == false && fifthImage.frame.contains(location) == false && sixthImage.frame.contains(location) == false && seventhImage.frame.contains(location) == false && eightImage.frame.contains(location) == false {
secondSlotIsTaken = 0
if thirdCorrectImage.frame.contains(location) && FirstImage.frame.contains(location) == false && secondImage.frame.contains(location) == false && thirdImage.frame.contains(location) == false && fourthImage.frame.contains(location) == false && fifthImage.frame.contains(location) == false && sixthImage.frame.contains(location) == false && seventhImage.frame.contains(location) == false && eightImage.frame.contains(location) == false {
thirdSlotIsTaken = 0
if fourthCorrectImage.frame.contains(location) && FirstImage.frame.contains(location) == false && secondImage.frame.contains(location) == false && thirdImage.frame.contains(location) == false && fourthImage.frame.contains(location) == false && fifthImage.frame.contains(location) == false && sixthImage.frame.contains(location) == false && seventhImage.frame.contains(location) == false && eightImage.frame.contains(location) == false {
fourthSlotIsTaken = 0
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in (touches) {
let location = touch.location(in: self.view)
if imageSelected == 1 {
FirstImage.center = location
if imageSelected == 2 {
secondImage.center = location
if imageSelected == 3 {
thirdImage.center = location
if imageSelected == 4 {
fourthImage.center = location
if imageSelected == 5 {
fifthImage.center = location
if imageSelected == 6 {
sixthImage.center = location
if  imageSelected == 7 {
seventhImage.center = location
if imageSelected == 8 {
eightImage.center = location
override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in (touches) {
let location = touch.location(in: self.view)
if firstCorrectImage.frame.contains(location) && firstSlotIsTaken == 0 && hasTakenFromSecondSlot == 0 && hasTakenFromThirdSlot == 0 && hasTakenFromFourthSlot == 0  {
if imageSelected > 0 {
firstSlotIsTaken = 1
if imageSelected == 1 {
FirstImage.center = firstCorrectImage.center
firstSlotHasImageNumber = 1
if imageSelected == 2 {
secondImage.center = firstCorrectImage.center
firstSlotHasImageNumber = 2}
if imageSelected == 3 {
thirdImage.center = firstCorrectImage.center
firstSlotHasImageNumber = 3}
if imageSelected == 4 {
fourthImage.center = firstCorrectImage.center
firstSlotHasImageNumber = 4}
if imageSelected == 5 {
fifthImage.center = firstCorrectImage.center
firstSlotHasImageNumber = 5}
if imageSelected == 6 {
sixthImage.center = firstCorrectImage.center
firstSlotHasImageNumber = 6}
if imageSelected == 7 {
seventhImage.center = firstCorrectImage.center
firstSlotHasImageNumber = 7}
if imageSelected == 8 {
eightImage.center = firstCorrectImage.center
firstSlotHasImageNumber = 8}
} else { if secondCorrectImage.frame.contains(location) && secondSlotIsTaken == 0 && hasTakenFromFirstSlot == 0 && hasTakenFromThirdSlot == 0 && hasTakenFromFourthSlot == 0  {
if imageSelected > 0 {
secondSlotIsTaken = 1
if imageSelected == 1 {
FirstImage.center = secondCorrectImage.center
secondSlotHasImageNumber = 1}
if imageSelected == 2 {
secondImage.center = secondCorrectImage.center
secondSlotHasImageNumber = 2}
if imageSelected == 3 {
thirdImage.center = secondCorrectImage.center
secondSlotHasImageNumber = 3}
if imageSelected == 4 {
fourthImage.center = secondCorrectImage.center
secondSlotHasImageNumber = 4}
if imageSelected == 5 {
fifthImage.center = secondCorrectImage.center
secondSlotHasImageNumber = 5}
if imageSelected == 6 {
sixthImage.center = secondCorrectImage.center
secondSlotHasImageNumber = 6}
if imageSelected == 7 {
seventhImage.center = secondCorrectImage.center
secondSlotHasImageNumber = 7}
if imageSelected == 8 {
eightImage.center = secondCorrectImage.center
secondSlotHasImageNumber = 8}
} else {  if thirdCorrectImage.frame.contains(location) && thirdSlotIsTaken == 0 && hasTakenFromSecondSlot == 0 && hasTakenFromFirstSlot == 0 && hasTakenFromFourthSlot == 0  {
if imageSelected > 0 {
thirdSlotIsTaken = 1
if imageSelected == 1 {
FirstImage.center = thirdCorrectImage.center
thirdSlotHasImageNumber = 1}
if imageSelected == 2 {
secondImage.center = thirdCorrectImage.center
thirdSlotHasImageNumber = 2}
if imageSelected == 3 {
thirdImage.center = thirdCorrectImage.center
thirdSlotHasImageNumber = 3}
if imageSelected == 4 {
fourthImage.center = thirdCorrectImage.center
thirdSlotHasImageNumber = 4}
if imageSelected == 5 {
fifthImage.center = thirdCorrectImage.center
thirdSlotHasImageNumber = 5}
if imageSelected == 6 {
sixthImage.center = thirdCorrectImage.center
thirdSlotHasImageNumber = 6}
if imageSelected == 7 {
seventhImage.center = thirdCorrectImage.center
thirdSlotHasImageNumber = 7}
if imageSelected == 8 {
eightImage.center = thirdCorrectImage.center
thirdSlotHasImageNumber = 8}
} else {  if fourthCorrectImage.frame.contains(location) && fourthSlotIsTaken == 0 && hasTakenFromFirstSlot == 0 && hasTakenFromSecondSlot == 0 && hasTakenFromThirdSlot == 0 {
if imageSelected > 0 {
fourthSlotIsTaken = 1
if imageSelected == 1 {
FirstImage.center = fourthCorrectImage.center
fourthSlotHasImageNumber = 1
if imageSelected == 2 {
secondImage.center = fourthCorrectImage.center
fourthSlotHasImageNumber = 2
if imageSelected == 3 {
thirdImage.center = fourthCorrectImage.center
fourthSlotHasImageNumber = 3
if imageSelected == 4 {
fourthImage.center = fourthCorrectImage.center
fourthSlotHasImageNumber = 4
if imageSelected == 5 {
fifthImage.center = fourthCorrectImage.center
fourthSlotHasImageNumber = 5
if imageSelected == 6 {
sixthImage.center = fourthCorrectImage.center
fourthSlotHasImageNumber = 6
if imageSelected == 7 {
seventhImage.center = fourthCorrectImage.center
fourthSlotHasImageNumber = 7
if imageSelected == 8 {
eightImage.center = fourthCorrectImage.center
fourthSlotHasImageNumber = 8
}  else {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2, delay: 0, options: UIViewAnimationOptions(rawValue: UInt(0)), animations: ({
if self.hasTakenFromFourthSlot == 1 {
self.hasTakenFromFourthSlot = 0
self.fourthSlotIsTaken = 0
self.fourthSlotHasImageNumber = 0
if self.hasTakenFromThirdSlot == 1 {
self.hasTakenFromThirdSlot = 0
self.thirdSlotIsTaken = 0
self.thirdSlotHasImageNumber = 0
if self.hasTakenFromSecondSlot == 1 {
self.hasTakenFromSecondSlot = 0
self.secondSlotIsTaken = 0
self.secondSlotHasImageNumber = 0
if self.hasTakenFromFirstSlot == 1 {
self.hasTakenFromFirstSlot = 0
self.firstSlotIsTaken = 0
self.firstSlotHasImageNumber = 0
}), completion: nil)
if firstSlotHasImageNumber == 0 {
firstSlotIsTaken = 0
if secondSlotHasImageNumber == 0 {
secondSlotIsTaken = 0
if thirdSlotHasImageNumber == 0 {
thirdSlotIsTaken = 0
if fourthSlotHasImageNumber == 0 {
fourthSlotIsTaken = 0
imageSelected = 0

func getBackToInitialPosi() {
if self.imageSelected == 1 {
self.FirstImage.center = self.initialPosi }
if self.imageSelected == 2 {
self.secondImage.center = self.initialPosiSecond }
if self.imageSelected == 3 {
self.thirdImage.center = self.initialPosiThird }
if self.imageSelected == 4 {
self.fourthImage.center = self.initialPosiFourth }
if self.imageSelected == 5 {
self.fifthImage.center = self.initialPosiFifth }
if self.imageSelected == 6 {
self.sixthImage.center = self.initialPosiSixth }
if self.imageSelected == 7 {
self.seventhImage.center = self.initialPosiSeventh }
if self.imageSelected == 8 {
self.eightImage.center = self.initialPosiEigth }
imageSelected = 0
func resetImages() {
hasTakenFromFirstSlot = 0
hasTakenFromSecondSlot = 0
hasTakenFromThirdSlot = 0
hasTakenFromFourthSlot = 0
imageSelected = 0
firstSlotIsTaken = 0
secondSlotIsTaken = 0
thirdSlotIsTaken = 0
fourthSlotIsTaken = 0
firstSlotHasImageNumber = 0
secondSlotHasImageNumber = 0
thirdSlotHasImageNumber = 0
fourthSlotHasImageNumber = 0




showGameTimeTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: #selector(showTime), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
RunLoop.main.add(showGameTimeTimer, forMode: RunLoopMode.UITrackingRunLoopMode)
func showTime(){
globalTimeLeftLabel.text = gameTimerString

