



我开始使用jQuery Stickem来研究粘性div,它以我想要的方式工作,但我认为这可能有些过头了,因为它肯定可以更简单地实现。


.top-content {position:relative; height:100vh}
.left-div {background-color:blue; float:left; width:35%; height:100%;}
.right-div {background-color:yellow; float:right; width:65%; height:100%; overflow:scroll;}
.bottom-contet {position:relative; background-color:pink; height:500px;}
<div class="top-content">
	<div class="left-div">Currently, if the cursor is over the right div the page works as required. But if over this left div then the body scrolls straight to content below. I want it to always scoll the right div regardless of cursor position</div>   	
    <div class="right-div">
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
    	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>    
<div class="bottom-contet">
  		<p>content below</p>
    	<p>content below</p>
    	<p>content below</p>
    	<p>content below</p>
    	<p>content below</p>
    	<p>content below</p>
    	<p>content below</p>
    	<p>content below</p>
    	<p>content below</p>
    	<p>content below</p>


一个解决方案是监听右侧div的滚动事件。然后,您可以使用element.scrollTop和最大滚动值来检查它是否已完全滚动(或关闭)。最初,您可以将主体的overflow-y设置为hidden。一旦到达内部div所需的滚动位置,就可以将其更改为overflow-y: scroll。这个更改可以通过js/jquery来完成。




.top-content {position:relative; height:100%; overflow: scroll}
.left-div {background-color:blue; float:left; width:35%; height:100%; position: fixed}
.right-div {background-color:yellow; float:right; width:65%; height:100%; }
.bottom-contet {position:relative; background-color:pink; height:500px;}



//unable to scroll down by default
var rightScrolled = false; 
//when we scroll the page...
$(window).on('scroll', function(){
    //check if we have scrolled the right window to the bottom
	if(rightScrolled == false) {
        //we haven't, force the window to remain at the top
  	    window.scrollTo(0, 0);
$(function($) {
    //when we scroll the right div...
    $('.right-div').on('scroll', function() {
        //check if we have reached the bottom
        if($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight() >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight) {
            //if we have, set our variable to true
            rightScrolled = true;
.top-content {position:relative; height:100vh}
    .left-div {background-color:blue; float:left; width:35%; height:100%;}
    .right-div {background-color:yellow; float:right; width:65%; height:100%; overflow:scroll;}
    .bottom-contet {position:relative; background-color:pink; height:500px;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <div class="top-content">
    	<div class="left-div">Currently, if the cursor is over the right div the page works as required. But if over this left div then the body scrolls straight to content below. I want it to always scoll the right div regardless of cursor position</div>   	
        <div class="right-div">
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>
        	<p>scrolling right stuff</p>    
    <div class="bottom-contet">
      		<p>content below</p>
        	<p>content below</p>
        	<p>content below</p>
        	<p>content below</p>
        	<p>content below</p>
        	<p>content below</p>
        	<p>content below</p>
        	<p>content below</p>
        	<p>content below</p>
        	<p>content below</p>
