

我不确定在哪里实现" ActiveCell.Value"以返回发现ID的正确行值。任何帮助将不胜感激!

Private Sub SearchForm_Click()
Dim str as String
Dim rgFound as Range
if Permitnumber.text = "" then
msg box "enter a permit number"
exit sub
end if
with worksheets("sheet1")
 str = PermitNumber.Value
 Set rgFound = .Range("c2:c3000").Find(what:=str)
 if rgFound is Nothing then       
 msgbox "permit not found"
DateBox.Text = Cells(ActiveCell.row, 1)
TimeBox.Text = Format(cells(ActiveCell.Row, 2), "hh:mm:ss")
PermitNumber.Text = Cells (ActiveCell.Row, 3)
VesselName.Text = Cells (ActiveCell.Row, 4)
end if
end with 
end sub



Option Explicit
Private Sub SearchForm_Click()
    Dim str As String, found As Range
    If PermitNumber.Text = vbNullString Then
        MsgBox "Enter a permit number"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    With Worksheets("Sheet1")
        str = PermitNumber.Value
        Set found = .UsedRange.Find(What:=str)
        If found Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Permit not found"
            DateBox.Text = .Cells(found.Row, 1).Value
            TimeBox.Text = Format(.Cells(found.Row, 2), "hh:mm:ss")
            PermitNumber.Text = .Cells(found.Row, 3)
            VesselName.Text = .Cells(found.Row, 4)
        End If
    End With
End Sub


range.find - 方法参数

Required Parameter --------------------------------------------------------------------
What:= - Value to search for (string or any Excel data type)
       - If What:="" is used, it will return Nothing (no cell found)
       - If What:="*" is used, it will return first non empty cell
Optional Parameters -------------------------------------------------------------------
After:=           - Starts search after (single) cell specified: After:=Cells(1)
                  - It excludes the specified cell, so it starts on Cells(2)
                  - It defaults to upper-left corner of the searched Range
                  - To move to the next found value after the first use:
                    - After:=Cells(1).Offset(1) along with
                    - SearchOrder:=xlByRows or xlByColumns
LookIn:=          - Formulas, Values, Comments. Defaults to Formulas
LookAt:=          - xlWhole or xlPart. If not specified it defaults to xlPart
SearchOrder:=     - xlByRows or xlByColumns. Defaults to xlByRows
SearchDirection:= - xlNext or xlPrevious. Defaults to xlNext
MatchCase:=       - True (search is case sensitive). Default to False
MatchByte:=       - Used only for double-byte language support
                  - True to have double-byte chars match only double-byte chars
                  - False to have double-byte chars match their single-byte equiv
SearchFormat:=    - Searches Font and/or cell formatting. Defaults to False

 * LookIn, LookAt, SearchOrder, and MatchByte are saved each time you use this method
** Not specifying these parameters, it will use the previous search settings
