我正在为我的CSCI 1301课程做这个作业,我有点卡住了。任务是编写一个程序,该程序将向用户提供服务列表,并允许他们选择他们想要的任何或所有服务并显示最终价格。这是我到目前为止的代码,
public static void carMaintenance()
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
String makeOfCar;
System.out.println("What's the make of your car?");
makeOfCar = sc.next();
String[] services = {"Oil Change", "Tire Rotation", "Air Filter", "Fluid Check"};
double[] prices = {39.99, 49.99, 19.99, 10.99};
System.out.println("What services whould you like for your "+makeOfCar+"?");
System.out.println(services[0]+", "+services[1]+", "+services[2]+", "+services[3]+".");
我陷入困境的是,我将如何允许用户请求他们想要的任意数量的服务?(从逻辑上讲,他们最多只能请求 4 个服务(
public static void carMaintenance() {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
String makeOfCar;
System.out.println("What's the make of your car?");
makeOfCar = sc.nextLine();
String[] services = {"Oil Change", "Tire Rotation", "Air Filter", "Fluid Check"};
double[] prices = {39.99, 49.99, 19.99, 10.99};
double sum = 0;
System.out.println("What services whould you like for your " + makeOfCar + "?");
System.out.println(services[0] + ", " + services[1] + ", " + services[2] + ", " + services[3] + ".");
String choice;
//This array simply tracks true or false for chosen/not chosen. boolean arrays are initialized with all values false.
boolean[] chosenServices = new boolean[services.length]; //Can only be as many elements as there are services. This way you don't have to change it when you add another service
do {
choice = sc.nextLine();
int choiceIndex = getIndex(services, choice);
if (choiceIndex < 0) break; //Choice doesn't exist. You will have to refine that and add messages
if (!chosenServices[choiceIndex]) { //service not yet chosen
chosenServices[choiceIndex] = true;
sum += prices[choiceIndex];
} else {
System.out.println("Was already chosen!");
} while (!choice.toLowerCase().equals("exit")); //Or something similar
System.out.printf("%.2f", sum); //Price with 2 digits
public static int getIndex(String[] arr, String search) {
for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if (search.equals(arr[i]))
return i;
return -1;