rule "count_asset"
dialect "mvel"
RuleConfig( ref_rule_code == "count_asset", $paramValue:param_value, $operator:ref_rule_operator_code, $value:value, $target:ref_rule_target_code )
RefRuleTarget ( code == $target, $targetUsage:usage_in_rules.split("\s*,\s*"))
CustomerRefSubscription ( $customerId:customer_id, ref_subscription_code == 'PAT', deactivated_at == null )
Number( Utils.compare( String.valueOf(this), $operator, $value ) == true ) from accumulate (
Asset($tableId:id, customer_id == $customerId, ($paramValue == null || ref_asset_category == $paramValue))
and exists VAssetWithOwner( id == $tableId, $targetUsage contains owner ), count(1))
RuleResult $ruleResult = new RuleResult($customerId ...);
insert( $ruleResult );
此规则有什么作用:它查找与 RuleConfig 提供的所有条件匹配的资产数量的所有$customerId。
RuleConfig( ref_rule_code == "count_asset", param_value = 'A', ref_rule_operator_code = '==', value = 1, ref_rule_target_code = 'G1' )
RefRuleTarget ( code = 'G1', usage_in_rules = 'A,B,C,D' )
CustomerRefSubscription ( customer_id = 1, ...)
CustomerRefSubscription ( customer_id = 2, ...)
Asset( id = 1, customer_id = 1, ref_asset_category = A)
VAssetWithOwner( id = 1, owner = A )
VAssetWithOwner( id = 1, owner = B)
Asset( id = 2, customer_id = 1, ref_asset_category = A)
VAssetWithOwner( id = 1, owner = E)
Asset( id = 3, customer_id = 1, ref_asset_category = B)
VAssetWithOwner( id = 1, owner = A)
Asset( id = 4, customer_id = 2, ref_asset_category = B)
在这里,唯一符合所有条件的customer_id是 1:他只有一个 (== 1( A 类资产,所有者在 (A,B,C,D(
如果我在我的数据库中只插入一个 RuleConfig,例如这个,那么我运行流口水(作为带有 fireAllRules(( 的 java 独立应用程序(,需要 199 毫秒才能给我符合条件的完整客户列表。 但是我插入的规则配置越多,花费的时间就越多......
Number of Rule Config Time in ms
1 199
2 1960
3 7652
4 15156
5 35185
6 56447
7 68047
8 78541
9 86769
10 94623
11 108515
12 117124
13 129775
仅 2 个规则配置超过 13 分钟。我的数据库包含大约 1200 个 CustomerRefSubscription、28,000 个资产和 36,000 个 VAssetWithOwner。
我已经发现删除这部分"并且存在 VAssetWithOwner( id == $tableId,$targetUsage包含所有者("使用 129 000 个规则配置转到 900ms 到 13ms,这是一个相当大的改进,但我真的需要这个过滤器......我不能只是删除它...
谢谢 纪尧姆