C语言 换行过早结束 getchar() 循环


while((number = getchar()) != 'n' && number != EOF)
/* discard the character */;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define MIN_CUSTOMERS   2          /* Minimum valid menu choice       */
#define MAX_CUSTOMERS   100        /* Maximum valid menu choice       */
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 21         /* Maximum last name length        */
#define END_OF_STRING   ''       /* End of string character         */
#define NEW_LINE        'n'       /* New line character              */
#define QUIT            0          /* Program exit value              */
#define DB_ALLOC_ERROR  1          /* Database allocation error       */
/*                        Program Structures                          */
/* A company customer record                                          */
struct customer
char  customer_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];  /* Last name of customer    */
float amount_owed;          /* Dollar amount customer owes         */
int   priority;             /* Priority number of customer        */
/*                         Function Prototypes                        */
void print_heading();
/* Print  the heading of the program                               */
void print_instructions();
/* Print the program instructions                                  */
int get_number_of_customers();
/* Get the number of customers to be recorded                      */
void get_customers(int quantity,
            struct customer *p_customer_records_start);
/* Ask the user for customers and fills them into the database     */
void clean_names(int quantity,
            struct customer *p_customer_records_start);
/* Clean customer names of everything except letters and spaces    */
void sort_customers(int quantity,
            struct customer *p_customer_records_start);
/* Sort the array of customers alphabetically                      */
void print_customers(int quantity,
                struct customer *p_customer_records_start);
/* Print the items in the customer database                        */
/*                           Main Function                            */
int main()
int quantity;   /* Amount of customer databases                     */
struct customer *p_customer_records; /* Pointer to the database    */
/* Print the program heading                                       */
/* Loop through the number of customer database                    */
            (quantity = get_number_of_customers()) != QUIT)
/* Allocate memory for the experimental scientific data values     */
/* and abort if memory is not available                            */
  if((p_customer_records =
      (struct customer*)malloc(sizeof(struct customer) * quantity))
                                                                                 == NULL)
     printf("nERROR NUMBER %d OCCURRED in main()", DB_ALLOC_ERROR);
     printf("nCould not allocate memory for experimental data");
     printf("nThe program is aborting");
/* Get, clean, sort, and print the database of customers           */
    get_customers(quantity, p_customer_records);
    clean_names(quantity, p_customer_records);
    sort_customers(quantity, p_customer_records);
    print_customers(quantity, p_customer_records);
/* Display end of database processing                               */
    printf("nn******* End of Customer Database Processing *******");
/* Free the database memory that was allocated                     */
/* Print goodbye and terminate                                     */
printf("nThanks for processing accounts. Have a nice day! :-)");
return 0;


/*                      Get number of customers                       */
int get_number_of_customers()
int quantity; /* Quantity of experimental scientific data values   */
    printf("nnGet the number of customers for the database");
    printf("n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -");
    printf("nHow many customers do you have (2 to 100, 0=quit): ");
            scanf ("%d", &quantity);
   } while (quantity == 1 ||
              quantity < QUIT || quantity > MAX_CUSTOMERS);
return quantity;
/*                     Get customers information                      */
void get_customers(int quantity,
                                struct customer *p_customer_records_start)
struct customer *p_customer; /* Points to each customer            */
char *p_last_name;
/* Loop through the array of customers and get information         */
for(p_customer = p_customer_records_start;
     (p_customer-p_customer_records_start) < quantity; p_customer++)
/* Get the customer's last name                                    */
    printf("n- Customer Information -");
    printf("n    Enter the customer's last name: ");
    p_last_name = p_customer->customer_name;


    do {
        *p_last_name = getchar();
    } while (*(p_last_name - 1) != NEW_LINE);
    *(p_last_name - 1) = END_OF_STRING;
/* Get the amount the customer owes                                */
    printf("    Enter the amount owed: ");
    scanf ("%f", &p_customer->amount_owed);
/* Get the customer's priority                                     */
    printf("    Enter the customer's priority: ");
    scanf("%d", &p_customer->priority);
    while(p_customer->priority < 1 || p_customer->priority > 3)
                printf("    Enter a valid priority (1-3): ");
                scanf ("%d", &p_customer->priority);

如果我在这里使用 while 循环(前面的解释),优先级永远不会有效,并且无限循环开始。




关于如何做到这一点的通常建议是使用 fgets 或类似的东西来读取行,然后使用 atoi 或 sscanf 或类似的东西处理内容。另一种可能性是,当输入缓冲区中还剩下一个换行符时,始终使用 getchar 立即读取并丢弃换行符。


scanf("%d", &p_customer->priority);


fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin);
sscanf(line, "%d", &p_customer->priority);


scanf("%d", &p_customer->priority);
while (getchar() != 'n')
