Mvc 将消息闪烁为部分视图






在布局的顶部,就在我放置了一个 if 语句,用于检查 TempData 中是否存在错误消息

   // here you can visualize it well styled by some template for example
   <div class="notification-error">@TempData[error]</div>
   // here you can visualize it well styled by some template for example
   <div class="notification-error">@TempData[error]</div>
Then in your controller if you have something to say to the user you can
just do what you are doing like:
public ActionResult SomeAction(MyModel model)
    if(something is not valid)
       this.TempData["error"] user error
       return this.View(model);

That case was if you need some server validation and proper message to the     
user. After that option you have to set a script on your layout that removes
the error and success notifications if they exist on the page loads. 


第三个选项是,如果您需要其他通知,您可以使用名为 toastr 的 JS 库。示例库网址 它轻巧且非常易于使用
