

FV = (PMT * k / ip) - Math.pow((1 + ip), N) * (PV + PMT * k / ip);
PV = (PMT * k / ip - FV) * 1 / Math.pow(1 + ip, N) - PMT * k / ip;
PMT = (PV + ((PV+FV)/(Math.pow((1+ip),N)-1))) * ((-ip)/k);
ip = ????
PV = Present Value
ip = Interest Rate per period
N = Number of periods
PMT = Payment
k = 1 if payment is made at the end of the period; 1 + ip if made at the beginning of the period
FV = Future Value


建议的解决方案是将所有已知变量代入下面的公式,然后为 ip 选择一系列值,直到表达式等于零:

0 = (PV * Math.pow(1 + ip, N)) + ((PMT * k) * (Math.pow(1 + ip, N) - 1) / ip) + FV



解决ip; 你被困在你选择的根查找器上。 牛顿方法如下:

static double implicit(double PV, double ip, double N, double PMT, double k, double FV) {
    return PV * Math.pow(1+ip,N)
        + PMT * k * (Math.pow(1+ip,N)-1) / ip + FV;
static double dImplicit_dIp(double PV, double ip, double N, double PMT, double k, double FV) {
    return PV * N * Math.pow(1+ip,N-1)
        + PMT * k * ( ip * N * Math.pow(1+ip,N-1) - Math.pow(1+ip,N) + 1) / (ip*ip);
static double getIp(double PV, double N, double PMT, double k, double FV) {
    double ip = .1;
    double ipLast;
    do {
        ipLast = ip;
        ip -= implicit(PV,ip,N,PMT,k,PV)/dImplicit_dIp(PV,ip,N,PMT,k,PV);
    } while ( Math.abs(ip-ipLast) > .00001 );
    return ip;
