

public static void MergeSort(int[] A) // WIP
        if (A.Length % 2 == 0 )     //Checks if input array is even
            int[] B;                //Declares sub array
            int[] C;                //Declares sub array
            for (int x = 0; x < A.Length ; x++)     //Performs an action for every item item in the array
                if (x < A.Length / 2)               //selects the first half of the input array and assigns it to sub-Array B
                    B[x] = A[x];
                if(x > A.Length / 2)                //Selects the second half of the input array and assigns it to sub-Array C
                    C[x] = A[x];


        //  Declares *reference* to sub array, and creates it as well.
        int[] B = new int[A.Length];
        //  Declares *reference* to sub array, and creates it as well.
        int[] C = new int[A.Length];


问题是,您只使用B的上半部分和C的后半部分。那是你要的吗?如果您希望B仅为 A的上半部分,而 C则为 Just A的后半部分,请执行此操作。您可以将List<int>几乎相同与数组使用,但是可以对其进行Add(),并且它具有Count属性,而不是Length属性:

        var B = new List<int>();
        var C = new List<int>();
        for (int x = 0; x < A.Length ; x++)     //Performs an action for every item item in the array
            if (x < A.Length / 2)               //selects the first half of the input array and assigns it to sub-Array B
            if(x > A.Length / 2)                //Selects the second half of the input array and assigns it to sub-Array C


但是,如果x是等于 A.Length / 2,会发生什么?如果该情况是用代码处理的,则不用介意。

            if (x < A.Length / 2)               //selects the first half of the input array and assigns it to sub-Array B
            else if(x > A.Length / 2)                //Selects the second half of the input array and assigns it to sub-Array C


if (A.Length % 2 == 0)
    //  Take the first half and make an array out of that sequence
    var B = A.Take(A.Length / 2).ToArray();
    //  Skip the first half and make an array out of the remaining sequence
    var C = A.Skip(A.Length / 2).ToArray();


您正在遇到错误,因为您正在尝试使用未分配的变量(数组B和C(。如果您需要了解阵列的工作方式,请继续使用。如果您初始化int[B] = new int[A.Length / 2];,则您的代码将不会错误。


 public static void MergeSort(int[] A) // WIP
            if (A.Length % 2 == 0)     //Checks if input array is even
                int[] B = new int[A.Length / 2];                //Declares sub array
                int[] C = new int[A.Length / 2];                //Declares sub array
                for (int x = 0; x < A.Length; x++)     //Performs an action for every item item in the array
                    if (x < A.Length / 2)               //selects the first half of the input array and assigns it to sub-Array B
                        B[x] = A[x];
                    if (x > A.Length / 2)                //Selects the second half of the input array and assigns it to sub-Array C
                        C[x] = A[x];

