ElasticSearch NEST 5.6.1 查询单元测试

我写了一堆查询来弹性搜索,我想为它们写一个单元测试。 使用这篇文章 最小起订量 弹性连接 我能够进行一般的嘲笑。但是当我尝试查看从我的查询生成的 Json 时,我无法以任何方式获取它。 我试图遵循这篇文章 elsatic 查询 moq,但它仅与旧版本的 Nest 相关,因为该方法不再可用于ISearchResponse对象ConnectionStatusRequestInformation


public void VerifyElasticFuncJson()
var elasticService = new Mock<IElasticService>();
var elasticClient = new Mock<IElasticClient>();
var clinet = new ElasticClient();
var searchResponse = new Mock<ISearchResponse<ElasticLog>>();
elasticService.Setup(es => es.GetConnection())
elasticClient.Setup(ec => ec.Search(It.IsAny<Func<SearchDescriptor<ElasticLog>, 
var service = new ElasticCusipInfoQuery(elasticService.Object);
var FindFunc = service.MatchCusip("CusipA", HostName.GSMSIMPAPPR01, 
var con = GetConnection();
var search =  con.Search<ElasticLog>(sd => sd
.Query(q => q
.Bool(b => b
**HERE I want to get the JSON** and assert it look as expected**


执行此操作的最佳方法是使用InMemoryConnection捕获请求字节并将其与预期的 JSON 进行比较。这就是 NEST 单元测试的作用。类似的东西

private static void Main()
var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, new InMemoryConnection())
var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);
// Act
var searchResponse = client.Search<Question>(s => s
.Query(q => (q
.Match(m => m
.Field(f => f.Title)
) || q
.Match(m => m
.Field(f => f.Title)
)) && +q
.Range(t => t
.Field(f => f.Score)

var actual = searchResponse.RequestJson();
var expected = new 
query = new {
@bool = new {
must = new object[] {
new {
@bool = new {
should = new object[] {
new {
match = new {
title = new {
query = "Kibana"
new {
match = new {
title = new {
query = "Elasticsearch",
boost = 2d
new {
@bool = new {
filter = new [] {
new {
range = new {
score = new {
gt = 0d
// Assert
Console.WriteLine(JObject.DeepEquals(JToken.FromObject(expected), JToken.Parse(actual)));
public static class Extensions
public static string RequestJson(this IResponse response) =>

我对预期的 JSON 使用了匿名类型,因为它比转义的 JSON 字符串更容易使用。

需要注意的一点是,即使 JSON 对象中有重复的对象键(只要最后一个键/值匹配(,Json.NET 的JObject.DeepEquals(...)也会返回true。不过,如果您只是序列化 NEST 搜索,则不太可能遇到这种情况,但需要注意。

