如何在 Unity 3D 中将对象的旋转、缩放和平移添加到顶点

我想获取一个顶点并将其存储在变量中。然后我想不断更新位置、旋转和平移。Ik 知道我可以将对象的位置与顶点的位置相加以获得新的顶点位置。但我不知道如何使用比例和旋转来做到这一点。有人知道吗?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class FollowVertex : MonoBehaviour {
    public Transform testSphere;
    public Transform indicator;
    void Update()
        indicator.position = GetVertex();
    Vector3 GetVertex()
        Mesh TMesh = testSphere.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
        Vector3 Tvertex = TMesh.vertices[1];
        return Tvertex + testSphere.position ; // + the rotation, scale and translation of "testSphere"


编辑 1:


function RotateVertexAround(center: Vector3, axis: Vector3, angle: float){
    var pos: Vector3 = transform.position;
    var rot: Quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis); // get the desired rotation
    var dir: Vector3 = pos - center; // find current direction relative to center
    dir = rot * dir; // rotate the direction
    transform.position = center + dir; // define new position
    // rotate object to keep looking at the center:
    var myRot: Quaternion = transform.rotation;
    transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Inverse(myRot) * rot * myRot;


您应该能够通过 TransformPoint() 方法执行此操作,该方法将顶点从局部空间转换为世界空间。

Vector3 GetVertex()
    Mesh TMesh = testSphere.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
    Vector3 Tvertex = TMesh.vertices[1];
    return testSphere.TransformPoint(Tvertex);
