设置 ajax 调用返回数据的最短时间

单击按钮时,我正在运行ajax请求。我还更改了 body 类以执行 css 动画(为 ajax 数据腾出空间),大约需要 1.5 秒。我不希望 ajax 在此时间之前返回数据。

我的 ajax 请求如下所示:

function ajax(url) {
        url: API.hostname + url,
        dataType: "json",
        complete: function() {
            $html.css("cursor", "default");
        success: function (response) {

理想情况下,我运行一个计时器,并检查它是否是完整的 1.5 秒,如果是,则运行回调。对在这里做什么有什么想法吗?我基本上想避免在动画完成之前加载数据的情况。

所以这是交易。您将在启动 ajax 的同时启动动画,并且在动画完成之前不触发回调。所以。。。

animation starts                 animation completes
ajax starts     ajax completes   callback fires

animation starts                 animation completes
ajax starts                                ajax completes / callback fires

因此,如果 Ajax 在动画完成之前返回,它会等待动画,如果 Ajax 在动画之后出现,它将立即触发。在某种程度上,这是两全其美的,因为动画始终受到尊重,用户不必等待惰性的ajax请求(动画之后发生的请求)。

function ajax(url) {
    // init cb to null
    var cb = null;
    // start the 1.5 second long animation
    // set timeout for 1.5 seconds
        // cb will be set to a function if the ajax has completed already
            // ajax has already completed
            cb(); // run the function set by ajax success
            // ajax has not yet completed
            cb = true; // set value to true
    }, 1500);
    // start the ajax request
        url: API.hostname + url,
        dataType: "json",
        complete: function() {
            $html.css("cursor", "default");
        success: function (response) {
            // the cb will be set by the timeout if the animation is complete already
                // animation was already complete, fire the callback right away
                // animation is not yet complete, set cb to a function, so the callback can
                // run it when the animation is complete
                cb = function(){ callback(response);   };


function startanim(){
    //here is the script for starting the animation
function stopanim(){
    //here is the script for stopping the animation
function ajax(url) {
    startanim();//start your animation before the ajax call
    //set a timeout if you want to set the minimum time for animation
    setTimeout(function (){
            url: API.hostname + url,
            dataType: "json",
            complete: function() {
                $html.css("cursor", "default");
            success: function (response) {
            error   : function (a){
                alert(a.responseText); //trap the cause of error
        }).done(function (){
            stopanim();//stop your animation after the ajax done 
    //timeout is 1400ms. Let's say that the ajax needs 100ms to complete, so it will be 1500ms.

您可以简单地编写一个 ajax done 方法,该方法仅在发出请求后触发。


function ajax(url) {
        url: API.hostname + url,
        dataType: "json",
        complete: function() {
            $html.css("cursor", "default");
        do something cool
        success: function (response) {
