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namespace DiceRoll
    public class RollClass
        public void RollMethodDice()
            int die1, die2, counter;
            // create Random number generator
            Random rndRoll = new Random();
            // Loop that counts the # of rolls from 1 to 100
            for (counter = 1; counter <= 100; counter++)
                // Random generators for each die
                die1 = rndRoll.Next(1, 7);
                die2 = rndRoll.Next(1, 7);
        public int GetDiceRoll()
            return die1;
            return die2;
            return counter;
        public int die1 { get; set; }
        public int die2 { get; set; }
        public int counter { get; set; }        
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the dice rolling program.");
            Console.WriteLine("This program will roll dice 100 times and display the roll where doubles land.");
            Console.WriteLine("Rolls that were in doubles:");
            RollClass myRollClass = new RollClass();
            if (die1 == die2)
                Console.WriteLine("Roll "+ counter + ": "+ die1 + " "+ die2);
        // Key stroke is needed to close console window so results are visible


public int die1 { get; set; }
public int die2 { get; set; }
public int counter { get; set; }        


RollClass myRollClass = new RollClass();
if (myRollClass.die1 == myRollClass.die2)
    Console.WriteLine("Roll "+ myRollClass.counter + ": "+ myRollClass.die1 + " "+ myRollClass.die2);

此外,在RollMethodDice方法和RollClass类中似乎存在die1, die2, counter的"重复"名称。这是允许的。但在这种情况下,默认情况下,需要使用this关键字(this.die1)来调用类变量,以将其与局部变量die1 区分开来


public int GetDiceRoll()
    return die1; //only this will be returned!
    return die2; //will never come here
    return counter; //will never come here


public struct DiceResult {
    public int die1;
    public int die2;
    public int counter;


public int die1 { get; set; }
public int die2 { get; set; }
public int counter { get; set; }        


public DiceResult diceResult { get; set; }


public DiceResult GetDiceRoll()
    return diceResult;


RollClass myRollClass = new RollClass();
if (myRollClass.diceResult.die1 == myRollClass.diceResult.die2)
    Console.WriteLine("Roll "+ myRollClass.diceResult.counter + ": "+ myRollClass.diceResult.die1 + " "+ myRollClass.diceResult.die2);


for (this.counter = 1; this.counter <= 100; this.counter++)
            // Random generators for each die
            this.die1 = rndRoll.Next(1, 7);
            this.die2 = rndRoll.Next(1, 7);


namespace DiceRoll
    public class RollClass
        //int die1, die2, counter;  // <-- Field of class should be defined outside method.
                                    // <-- And since you used auto generated property below, these are not needed here.
        public void RollMethodDice()
            // create Random number generator
            Random rndRoll = new Random();
            // Loop that counts the # of rolls from 1 to 100
            for (counter = 1; counter <= 100; counter++) {
                // Random generators for each die
                die1 = rndRoll.Next(1, 7);
                die2 = rndRoll.Next(1, 7);
        public int GetDiceRoll()
            return die1;
            //return die2;  // <-------- You cannot return multiple values in a method.
            //return counter;  // <----- Instead, an array point/reference is possible.
        public int die1 { get; set; }
        public int die2 { get; set; }
        public int counter { get; set; }
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the dice rolling program.");
            Console.WriteLine("This program will roll dice 100 times and display the roll where doubles land.");
            Console.WriteLine("Rolls that were in doubles:");
            RollClass myRollClass = new RollClass();
            if (myRollClass.die1 == myRollClass.die2)  // <--- You need use your class instance to access the property.
                Console.WriteLine("Roll " + myRollClass.counter + ": " + myRollClass.die1 + " " + myRollClass.die2);
            // Key stroke is needed to close console window so results are visible
            Console.ReadKey();  // <--------- Method call should be stay inside a method, not a class.

总之,你真的需要读一些基本的面向对象的书。例如Head First C#。微软的在线教程也很有帮助。
