
我有向量(CVector<T, std::size_t Size>(,矩阵(CMatrix<T, std::size_t Height, std::size_t Width>(和张量(CTensor<T, std::size_t... Sizes>(类,我希望能够隐式地从CTensor类转换为CVector类(如果sizeof...(Sizes) == 1(和CMatrix类(如果sizeof...(Sizes) == 2(,所以我有以下转换运算符(最初我没有std::enable_if模板参数,希望我可以使用SFINAE来阻止它编译(:

template <typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(Sizes) == 2, int>::type = 0>
operator CMatrix<NumType, Sizes...>() const
    static_assert(sizeof...(Sizes) == 2, "You can only convert a rank 2 tensor to a matrix");
    CMatrix<NumType, Sizes...> matResult;
    auto& arrThis = m_numArray;
    auto& arrResult = matResult.m_numArray;
    concurrency::parallel_for_each( arrResult.extent, [=, &arrThis, &arrResult]( concurrency::index<2> index ) restrict( amp ) {
        arrResult[index] = arrThis[index];
    } );
    return matResult;
template <typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(Sizes) == 1, int>::type = 0>
operator CVector<NumType, Sizes...>() const
    static_assert(sizeof...(Sizes) == 1, "You can only convert a rank 1 tensor to a vector");
    CVector<NumType, Sizes...> vecResult;
    auto& arrThis = m_numArray;
    auto& arrResult = vecResult.m_numArray;
    concurrency::parallel_for_each( arrResult.extent, [=, &arrThis, &arrResult]( concurrency::index<1> index ) restrict( amp ) {
        arrResult[index] = arrThis[index];
    } );
    return vecResult;

但是,例如,如果我实例化CTensor<float, 3, 3, 3>并尝试编译,则会出现错误,声明CMatrixCVector的模板参数太多,以及有关缺少std::enable_if<false, int>类型的错误。有没有办法实现这些运算符,而不必专门针对等级 1 和 2 进行CTensor


根本不需要 SFINAE,因为您static_assert模板方法,该方法仅在使用时实例化。

我的解决方案使转换运算符成为具有依赖参数的模板方法(因此编译器不实例化其主体,仅解析签名(,并添加-1大小为 1 的张量中假装缺少维度的大小(不是张量本身,而是提取参数包的辅助类(,以允许编译器实例化张量模板本身, 但不允许以后在无效维度的张量内实例化转换运算符。


#include <cstddef>
template <typename T, unsigned int index, T In, T... args>
struct GetArg
    static const T value = GetArg<T, index-1, args...>::value;
template <typename T, T In, T... args>
struct GetArg<T, 0, In, args...>
    static const T value = In;
template <typename T, T In>
struct GetArg<T, 1, In>
    static const T value = -1;
template <typename T, std::size_t Size>
struct CVector
template <typename T, std::size_t Height, std::size_t Width>
struct CMatrix
template <typename T, std::size_t... Sizes>
struct CTensor 
    template <std::size_t SZ = sizeof...(Sizes)>
    operator CVector<T, GetArg<std::size_t, 0, Sizes...>::value>() const
        static_assert(SZ == 1, "You can only convert a rank 1 tensor to a vector");
        CVector<T, Sizes...> vecResult;
        return vecResult;
    template <std::size_t SZ = sizeof...(Sizes)>
    operator CMatrix<T, GetArg<std::size_t, 0, Sizes...>::value, GetArg<std::size_t, 1, Sizes...>::value>() const
        static_assert(SZ == 2, "You can only convert a rank 2 tensor to a matrix");
        CMatrix<T, Sizes...> matResult;
        return matResult;
int main()
    CTensor<float, 3> tensor3;
    CTensor<float, 3, 3> tensor3_3;
    CTensor<float, 3, 3, 3> tensor3_3_3;
    CVector<float, 3> vec(tensor3);
    //CVector<float, 3> vec2(tensor3_3); // static_assert fails!
    CMatrix<float, 3, 3> mat(tensor3_3);
    //CMatrix<float, 3, 3> mat2(tensor3_3_3); // static_assert fails!


template <typename NumType,size_t... Sizes>
struct CTensor {
    template<size_t n,size_t m>
    operator CMatrix<NumType,n,m>() const
            "You can only convert a rank 2 tensor to a matrix"
            "Size mismatch"
    template<size_t n>
    operator CVector<NumType,n>() const
            "You can only convert a rank 1 tensor to a vector"
            "Size mismatch"


template <typename NumType,size_t... Sizes>
struct CTensor {
    template<size_t n,size_t m,
      typename =
        typename std::enable_if<
          std::is_same<CTensor<NumType,n,m>,CTensor>::value, int
    operator CMatrix<NumType,n,m>() const
    template<size_t n,
      typename =
        typename std::enable_if<
          std::is_same<CTensor<NumType,n>,CTensor>::value, int
    operator CVector<NumType,n>() const


template <typename NumType,size_t... Sizes>
struct CTensor {
    template<size_t n,size_t m>
    CMatrix<NumType,n,m> convert() const
    template<size_t n>
    CVector<NumType,n> convert() const
    template <typename T>
    operator T() const { return convert<Sizes...>(); }

这实际上是对我的评论的更长描述:为什么不只使用 CTensor 并将其别名为 CVector/CMatrix?无需转换,它们将变得相同。

1( 在命名空间detail
(这也可以通过一些辅助结构来完成 - 专门提供方法的结构(

#include <vector>
namespace detail {
template<class T, std::size_t... Sizes>
  class base;
template<class T, std::size_t Size>
  class base<T, Size> {
    std::vector<T> data;
    T& operator[](std::size_t i) {
        return data[i]; }
template<class T, std::size_t First, std::size_t... More>
  class base<T, First, More...> {
    std::vector<base<T, More...>> data;
//  this could be done better, just an example
    base<T, More...>& operator[](std::size_t i) {
        return data[i]; }
template<class T, std::size_t... Sizes>
  class CTensor: public detail::base<T, Sizes...> {};
//we can specialize CTensor<T, Size>
//and CTensor<T, Width, Height> here
template<class T, std::size_t Size>
  using CVector = CTensor<T, Size>;
template<class T, std::size_t Width, std::size_t Height>
  using CMatrix = CTensor<T, Width, Height>;



template <std::size_t ... Is> struct index_sequence {};
template <std::size_t I, typename T> struct index_element;
template <std::size_t I, std::size_t ... Is>
struct index_element<I, index_sequence<Is...> >
    static constexpr const std::size_t a[] = {Is...};
    static_assert(I < sizeof...(Is), "out of bound");
    static constexpr const std::size_t value = a[I];


template <
    std::size_t N = sizeof...(Sizes),
    typename std::enable_if<N == 1, int>::type = 0>
operator CVector<
    index_element<0, index_sequence<Sizes..., 0>
    >::value>() const
    // Your implementation
template <
    std::size_t N = sizeof...(Sizes),
    typename std::enable_if<N == 2, int>::type = 0>
operator CMatrix<
    index_element<0, index_sequence<Sizes..., 0>>::value
    index_element<1, index_sequence<Sizes..., 0, 0>>::value
    >() const
    // Your implementation