如何将 Bareos (Bacula) 存储守护程序与多个磁盘一起使用

我有Bareos Storage守护程序(bareos-sd)和三个2 Tb HDD。我希望它们被视为一个存储,并且当下一个磁盘已满时,Bareos 会自动切换到下一个磁盘。现在,我将所有磁盘作为具有不同媒体类型的不同设备以及具有相应磁盘的存储。在约伯的池中,我将Sorage设置为逗号分隔的三个存储。但是现在我的第一个磁盘已满,Bareos不使用下一个磁盘。

您必须指定另一个设备指令。取自 http://www.bacula.org/5.0.x-manuals/en/main/main/Storage_Daemon_Configuratio.html

If you want to write into more than one directory (i.e. to spread the load to different disk drives), you will need to define two Device resources, each containing an Archive Device with a different directory


Device {
  Name = FifoStorage
  Media Type = Fifo
  Device Type = Fifo
  Archive Device = /folder1
  LabelMedia = yes
  Random Access = no
  AutomaticMount = no
  RemovableMedia = no
  MaximumOpenWait = 60
  AlwaysOpen = no
Device {
  Name = FifoStorage2
  Media Type = Fifo
  Device Type = Fifo
  Archive Device = /folder2
  LabelMedia = yes
  Random Access = no
  AutomaticMount = no
  RemovableMedia = no
  MaximumOpenWait = 60
  AlwaysOpen = no
