VS Code SSH Remote 无法再连接到我的学校网络

我已经使用 ssh 扩展很长时间了,它刚刚停止工作,它确实在 10 次尝试中随机连接。 我尝试了旧版本的扩展,将使用本地服务器设置为 false 请帮助我,我需要它来完成我的学业 虽然我可以完美地登录舞会腻子或其他任何地方


[17:47:56.521] Log Level: 2
[17:47:56.525] remote-ssh@0.51.0
[17:47:56.525] win32 x64
[17:47:56.528] SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+linux.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca", attempt 1
[17:47:56.528] SSH Resolver called for host: linux.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca
[17:47:56.529] Setting up SSH remote "linux.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca"
[17:47:56.554] Using commit id "d69a79b73808559a91206d73d7717ff5f798f23c" and quality "stable" for server
[17:47:56.556] Install and start server if needed
[17:47:56.559] Checking ssh with "ssh -V"
[17:47:56.621] > OpenSSH_for_Windows_7.7p1, LibreSSL 2.6.5
[17:47:56.624] Running script with connection command: ssh -T -D 60292 linux.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca bash
[17:47:56.628] Terminal shell path: C:WINDOWSSystem32cmd.exe
[17:47:56.739] > 
> ]0;C:WINDOWSSystem32cmd.exe
[17:47:56.740] Got some output, clearing connection timeout
[17:47:56.749] > 
[17:48:00.242] > Password: 
[17:48:00.243] Showing password prompt
[17:48:03.389] Got password response
[17:48:03.390] "install" wrote data to terminal: "********"
[17:48:03.430] > 
[17:48:05.752] > c08609cdaa4d: running
[17:48:05.784] > Acquiring lock on /u2/spahooja/.vscode-server/bin/d69a79b73808559a91206d73d7717f
> f5f798f23c/vscode-remote-lock.spahooja.d69a79b73808559a91206d73d7717ff5f798f23c 
[17:48:05.794] > flock: 99: Bad file descriptor     
> Installation already in progress...
> c08609cdaa4d##24##
[17:48:05.794] Received install output: c08609cdaa4d##24##
[17:48:05.795] Server installation process already in progress - waiting and retrying
[17:48:06.095] "install" terminal command done
[17:48:06.095] Install terminal quit with output: 
[17:48:06.801] Running script with connection command: ssh -T -D 60292 linux.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca bash
[17:48:06.803] Terminal shell path: C:WINDOWSSystem32cmd.exe
[17:48:06.837] > 
> ]0;C:WINDOWSSystem32cmd.exe
[17:48:06.837] Got some output, clearing connection timeout
[17:48:06.852] > 
>     > 
[17:48:09.780] > Password: 
[17:48:09.781] Showing password prompt

看起来 vs 代码安装卡在您的服务器上(注意:"服务器安装过程已经在进行中 - 等待并重试"(。我遇到了同样的情况,由于空间不足,安装卡住了,并通过删除 .vscode 服务器文件夹并重新初始化服务器端状态来修复它。我相信有更好的方法来解决这个问题,但如果你被卡住了,这是一种解决这个问题的快速方法(尽管你必须再次设置远程扩展(。


  1. 关闭虚拟代码
  2. cd ~/.vscode-server/data/User
  3. rm -rf 工作区存储
  4. 再次启动 VSCODE

基本上,您必须使用普通的ssh终端删除远程学校计算机上的.vscode-server文件夹,然后重置VS Code上的配置以再次访问远程计算机上的文件系统
