自定义'use strict'类似指令



function xyz () {
   'loglevel: info';
   /// Some other code

如果 xyz 有一个指令 loglevel>= info,则 logging.debug 不会记录消息。


不,如果没有一些真正的黑客行为,您将无法创建这样的指令,将当前函数转换为字符串并检查指令。 不值得花时间检查。但是,您可以使用功能装饰器来执行相同的功能,这有点棘手,但是一旦您这样做,它就会非常强大。

我应该提到 es7 将有更容易实现的装饰器。它们仍然以相同的方式创建。它们是返回函数代替原始函数的函数。但他们有糖,例如。

对不起,我不能停下来,所以走得有点远。 但现在这是一个非常完整的例子。

function xyz(){
  // do some stuff

function abc(){
  // do some stuff

// if this is false the logging will not occur
var __debug__ = true;
var __debug_levels__ = ['error', 'warn'];
// decorator to create a log level function. this is a function
// that takes the log type, that returns a function that takes the
// function you want to decorate with the logging functionality 
// that returns the decorated function that you call as xyz( ...arguments ).
function logLevel( type ) {
  return function logger(fn) {
    return function() {
      // save time if __debug__ is false
      if( __debug__ ){
        // run the decorated function and get the result
        // may as well wrap it in a try catch in case there are any errors
        try {
          var result = fn.apply(this, arguments);
        } catch( e ){
          console.error( e );
        if( __debug_levels__.indexOf( type ) > -1 ){
          // log the result to the console or whatever functionality you require
          console[ type || 'log' ](result);
        // return the result so you can do something with the result
        return result;
      return fn.apply(this, arguments);
// this will return the first function that takes the function to decorate
var logLevelInfo = logLevel('warn');
var logLevelDebug = logLevel('error');
// here we are using the decorators to wrap the original function
var xyz = logLevelInfo(function xyz( arg ) {
  return arg + 'bar';
// same here but we are using the other decorator
var abc = logLevelDebug(function abc( arg ){
  return arg + 'baz';
// these functions have been decorated to perform the logging
// functionality on the returned result
xyz('foo'); //=> 'foobar'
abc('foo'); //=> 'foobaz'
<script src="http://codepen.io/synthet1c/pen/WrQapG.js"></script>

function Log(level)
    var levels = { 'debug': 10, 'info': 20};
    function write(lvl)
        var handle = function(msg)
            if (levels[lvl] <= levels[level]) 
                console.log(lvl + ': ' + msg);
        return handle;
    for (var i in levels)
        this[i] = write(i);
var log1 = new Log('info');
log1.info('hello'); // will result with an output
log1.debug('hello'); // still has an output output
var log2 = new Log('debug');
log2.info('hello'); // no output here
