Access 2007 / VBA - 表单的多个实例,从模块更新特定实例上的控件

我正在使用Allen Browne的方法来创建和管理表单的多个实例。我坚持如何从 VBA 模块引用表单的特定实例上的控件或属性。以下是我打开新实例的方法:

'Purpose:    Open an independent instance of form frmMasterRecord.
Dim frm As Form
myFilter = Trim("" & myFilter)
'Open a new instance, show it, and set a caption.
Set frm = New Form_frmMasterRecord
frm.ServerFilter = myFilter
frm.ServerFilterByForm = True
frm.Visible = True
'Append it to our collection.
clnMasterRecord.Add Item:=frm, Key:=CStr(frm.hwnd)
Set frm = Nothing

假设我打开了 frmMasterRecord 的三个实例。如何调用模块中的子/函数并让它仅在表单的调用实例上操作控件?


Result = MyExternalFunction(Me)

Public Function MyExternalFunction(ByRef frm As Form) As Boolean
    ' Do stuff with object frm.
    MyExternalFunction = Result
End Function
