

var dataWithResults =
    from d in data
    where d.QCResults != null
    from q in d.QCResults
    select new QCAMaterial
        Name = q == null ? nodata : q.ComponentName,
        Value = q == null ? nodata : q.Result
var dataWithNullResults =
    from d in data
    where d.QCResults == null
    select new QCAMaterial
        Name = nodata,
        Value = nodata


var allData =
            from d in data
            from q in d.QCResults ?? Enumerable.Empty<QCResult>().DefaultIfEmpty()
            select new QCAMaterial
                Name = q == null ? nodata : q.ComponentName,
                Value = q == null ? nodata : q.Result


var allData =
            from d in data
            from q in (d.QCResults ?? Enumerable.Empty<QCResult>()).DefaultIfEmpty()
            select new QCAMaterial
                Name = q == null ? nodata : q.ComponentName,
                Value = q == null ? nodata : q.Result


    IEnumerable<QCResult> dummycol = new[] {new QCResult()}; //assuming QCResult is the class exposed by the QCResults property
    var res = from d in data                
            from q in d.QCResults ?? dummycol
            select new QCAMaterial
                Name = q == null ? nodata: q.ComponentName, //side note: can also be written as q?.ComponentName ?? nodata
                Value = q == null ? nodata : q.Result



    var result = data.SelectMany(d => 
                            return d.QCResults != null
                                ? d.QCResults.Select(q => new QCAMaterial { Name = q.ComponentName, Value = q.Result})
                                : new List<QCAMaterial>{new QCAMaterial { Name = "no data", Value = "no data" }};
